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The Cresmer Manufacturing Co.
,. The nerv plant of Clresmer Manufacturing Company of Riverside, on Blaine street, just east of the Southern Pacific tracks, is regarded as one of the best equipped and .most convenient plants of its kind in the rvest. The plant consists of a number of reinforced concrete buildings, grouped on a tract of land 4L7x66 feet, or approximately five and one-half acres, rvith a privately orvned railroad ,spur running through the center of the holding. A warehouse building, which is 54x200 feet, contains the hard"ware, glass, doors, windows and screen doors, of rvhich a complete stock is carried. The office building is 36x60 feet, and in addition to three private offices, main office and lobby, contains a fully equipped first aid room.
The mill building is 60x300 feet, the front of which contains the cabinet shop and sash department. The back portion of the building is furnished with the very latest mill machinery. The garage and machine shop, 5Ox6O feet, is fully equipped to take care of the company's fleet of trucks and also to make repairs on all machinery.
The Cresmer Manufacturing Company has one of the largest payrolls in the city of Riverside, having an average of about 225 err.ployees at all times. Its average weekly payments in lvages and salaries run over $6000, making a total annual payroll over $300,000. All of its employees live in Riverside, spend their money there, and around 95 per cent of them are home owners.
The nerv plant is most conveniently arranged for shipping and receiving materials, all of the buildings being one story, with cement floors, composition roofs, with many windows for light, and all connected with concrete drives and walks. There are excellent facilities for trucks to drive to any building, and the accessibility of the railroad gives rail shipping facilities of the best.
The Cresmer Manufacturing Company was incorporated in 1904, 23 years ago, and took the name of the founder, J. H. Cresmer, who has been with it continuously since that time. Originally the plant was located on Eighth street, between the Santa Fe and Union Pacific tracks, a building destroyed by fire early in the present year. This necessitated the construction of the present plant on the Blaine street location.
Officers of the corporation are: J. H. Urquhart,' president; J. H. Cresmer, vice-president; J. Wesley Shrimp, secretary-treasurer.