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PINE "The Voice from the Antarctic"
to protect ffi linlr with civilization BYRD hrd evelf matcrial in the world to choore from.lilhy rvar SUGAR PINE lelcctcd?
BURGESS BATTERY CO. lVladieon, Wirconcin, Augurt 29, 19,28.
The Red Rivcr Lumber Co.. 360 N. Michigan Avc., Chicago.
Attention Mr. H.V. Scott
You will be interested to know that your Sugar Pinc was used.by us in making battcry bor,es ior Corrimander Byrd's Antarctic Erpedition.
The dry batteriea were used for tfie powcr anrpply of five small radio tranimitterg in planeg on dog slidl and at bases and intermediate etations. A light weight but very 9t1ong box material was thercfore -n."u""iry. Becauge of elcet and snow conditione a lumber that would not warp, twist or shrink waa required. Thc low temperature demanded good thermal insulation.
The Forest Products l.aboratoiiee auggeeted thc use of Sugar Hne which we have found to bc splcndidly workable and well nrited to our purpose.
We aro glad to have found. a ,material with these properties aqd w-c apprcciatc your cooperation in hurrying it to us so that shipment of batterics could lcave with.thc expedition on scheduled time.
Very tdy yours, BURGESS BATTERY CO., (Signed) byW. B. Schultc, Sccretary.