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New FlexibleInsulation IJ. S. Civil Service Announce Product
In a booklet announcing their latest product, IJpson Blue Stripe Insulation, described by them is ,,the new'and more efficient insulatjon", the Upson Company have collected a lot of scientific information on the subiect of insulation, and this is presented in a very readabfe way for the use of architects, lumber dealers and consumers'rvho wish to know more about this important subject.
The foreword in this booklet says in part: ,,lJpson Blue Stripe Insulation is a vitally impoitant iontribution to the building world, a product !ha! will quickly take its place in the markets of the world. It fills in existing need.
"fn early days when fuel and structural matirials were cheap-when thick lumber and stone walls were commonly used, the question of insulation was comparatively unimpor_tant, but in these days of increasing costs for both fuel and house construction, the situation has entirely changed. Insulation today is a vital consideration in every kind of building-new and old."
The manufacturers claim for this product that it pays fo_r.itself in building and fuel savings in the new home, while in the old homes more than haff the heat loss can be saved by insulating, the attic. Insulation, they say, is as necessary in hot climates and on hot summei days as in cold climates and on cold winter days. Tests made rec.ent]y .by Pr. .!e1n O. Knudsen, consultant physicist at the lJniversity of California at Los Angeles, sho#that this, material also has great merit as a sound deadener.
'l'he United States Civil Service Commission announces the follorving open competitive examinations:
Applications for timber expert and assistant timber expert must be on filewith the Civil Servi,ce Commission at Washington, D. C., not later than July 9, 1930.
The examinations are to fill vacancies in the Forest Service, I)epartment of Agri,culture, for duty in the Pacific Northwest Region of the United States, and in positions requiring similar qualifications.
The entrance salaries range fiom $3,200 to $3,700 a year for timber expert, ar-rd from $2,600 to $3,100 a year for assistant timber expert.. Higher-salaried positions are filled through prombtion.
Competitors will not be required to report for examination at any place, but will be rated on their education, training, experience, and fitness.
Full information may be obtained from the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C., or from the Secretary of the United States Civil Service Board of Examiners at the post office or customhouse in any city.