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Mo*i*am constrrction
oalue in lumber continuesr to be the standard of The LongBell Lumber Company. rl LUmDef economy, servrceability and permanence dePend much on exacting attention to all phases of production the sort of supervision and workmanship that leave nothing undone to make lumber producB most useful to the buyer.
Bcauty, mininum of labor tn lavlng and dup ebility ac thrcc important quelifiotiooc of Long. Bcll tndemarhcd oh flooriqgl And, beaure of thcre qualitier crcmyt The fint timc um fu almort tnvartrblv a retnt-curtonq, for q. prirec provea it! @noEy eod .stirfrctioq Buildo erc Gnding Long.f,311 tnde.mkcd fmdng r moet valublc hme raler rld. ataa
Engrr" Gxnoni! loii., ln "rlocb to ptacta dir, uar atd dutt lakzc in Ins.full "Aitdtd' Fnmq, which erc findlng sdy rccpt nce tn dl tyea of bulldlnrr. Tbey met the enctiag dcun& of tbc mo&m buildcr, aot only for ftemer which afford ma:dmum gfuaEe to thc wethcr, but alrc for fnmcr wblch re full sddrcdonfron evcn rtendtrcint of dmbility end snomy. Macc frcm thc hcetwod of Dunblc Doudu Yr. D.ft dUuat/na.
And the trade-mark identifies these lumber products.
No wondef, then, that aggfessive retail lumber dealefs afe Pfofiting by using these sales points to reach buyers who want fuIl value.
R rL Iong Bldgo Krnsas City, Missouri Ltmbcrnct since 2877
Doudo flr Lunbcr, Tlmbcn, Door rnd Wlndow Frencr, Trinpelt Wcrtccl llcelock Lunbcrl Wertctr RcdCG&r Sfdha ud Shlarlcc; Sourb craPlnc lrrnbcr rad Ttnbcn; Soutb cm llerdwod LuubcrrTlnbcn md Trlnpel; Oat Iloorl4, 'CELLlr.d Ork Floorlag Strtpr,'CEluzcd O* Floor Ptanh+'CELL&cd Orh Floor Blockrl Cellforotr Whttc Plac Lrre bcr' S.rh erd Don, Bo: Shoob; Crcorctcd Sorthcla Plac Imbc, Tlnbcn' Portr' Polcr, Ttcr' Guer& Rdl Po*r, Pflrnr.