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Cement Volume Improves and Better Conditions Eminent in Industry
Cement has had a slow year in California. Yet indications are favorable at the present time for much improved conditions, particularly Southern California.
From an eight million barrel market the slump dropped to about six million barrels, causing general curtailment, likewise price reductions. As with lumber in this same territory, sharp and unreasonable price reductions follorved the lessened market.
Today the volume is slowly but steadily creeping upward, and the feeling of optimism of two years ago is rnanifesting itself in the industry. Some of the more optimistic manufacturers express the belief thatthis will not only return to its previous level of an eight million barrel market. but will even become a ten million barrel rnarket.
Frank Goodrich, 70, formerly manager of the Sanger Lumber Co., Sanger, died suddenly in his automobile on the highway, north of Fresno, June 18, while on his way to Santa Cruz.
Fire destroyed the millof the Kenwood Mill land, with an estimated loss of $65,000, June 20. had an eight-hour capacity of 50,000 feet.
Competitive conditions are readjusting themselves, and it is reasonable to predict that, with various developments now in the immediate offing, the cement industry will be the first of the building lines in California to emerge from its slump of the past trvo years. and resume normal and satisfactory conditions.
Cement manufacturers are backing California, to continue the rapid increase in population, which means rapidly developing consumption of building materials
There will probably be no development in cement production for years to come in California, due to the fact that the present manufaituring institutions are easily capable of producing all the cement that California could be reasonably expected to consume for a decade to come.
W. R. Chamberlin, president of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., arrived in San Frincisco from Los Angeles, June 23 for a three weeks' visit to the home office of the company.
H.W. Cole, vice-president and general manager of The C9r, Po1!. Little River Redwood Company, erannell, arriied in San The mill Francisco June 23 from an easfertr business trip.