4 minute read
R. R. Pattison
R. R. Pattison, for many years associated with the lumber business on the Pacific Coast, died at Alhambra, Calif., on June 25, following a short illness. At the time of his death, he was connected with the Los Angeles office of the Chas. Nelson Company. Before coming to Los Angeles, Mr. Pattison was connected with the lumber business in San Francisco and the Northwest. He is survived by his wife, father and mother, and one brother. Funeral services were held at Alhambra on Tune 28.
Erskine B. Johnston, of The Little River Redwood Company, San Francisco, is making a trip through Texas and the Southern States in the interests of the Technical Division of the company.
Elected to Executive
Frank M. Wise, secretary of the United States Building & Loan Association, Los Angeles, was recently elected a member of the Executive Committee of the California Building Loan League. He is well known to the lumber fraternity of California and formerly was connected with the lumber business in Southern California. From 1914 to 1919, he was manager of the Bay District for the Patten & Davies Lumber Co., and general sales manager of their yards from 1919 to 1926, when he became associated with the United States Building & Loan Association. He still retains his interest in lumber affairs and is an active member of Hoo Hoo.
Redwood General Utility Barn
Unit Conetruction bkJor Free Plane Indicating aVariefu oJ Sizec and Alternate Urce
Practical Barn Suggestions
EW settlers are confronted with a barn problem that is readily solved by this suggestion. By'this plan they are enabled to build on the unit system.with a minimum outlay, avoiding expensive mistakes and extravagant temporary structures. Bulletin 17 with accompanying (confidential) Suggested Lumberand Cutting Lists, illustrates different unit combinations, lists a number of alternate useE, and gives complete instructions for building any size barn. Ask for mat A-17.
Redwood Poultry Houses
This is but one of several poultry house suggestions. The use of this mat is recomrirended, to invite your poult4rmen customers to call and discuss their requirements.
Each of the plans included in the Agticultural Series have specialfeatures of proven merit. If a given one is not acceptable to your prospect or customer a combination may be.
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8afc.. 82.60 p cofumn incft The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
For Sale
-Planing-Mill, Maclinery and Stock. Will dispose of our entire stock of windows, doors, glass and'kiln dried mill s_tock; also modern machiiery. Nerv 3 years -ago. Office equipment. Will sell by unit or as a whole. Property 3zS it. x 150 ft. with Sanla Fe track!ge._ Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.
For Sale
Co.mplete Planing Mill plant and business of going concern. will sell as a whole, or will sell inventotv it mirket and lease ,building a-nd equipment. Plantloiated fifty miles from San Francisco in prosperous agricultural and resort section. Has been established fifteen years: certified bv Millwork institute; patronized by leading contractors t-o e.xclusion of competing mills and yards. -Owner, age 66. desrres to retire account of health. $10.000 will handle deal. Address Box 334, California Lumber Merchant.
Red Danger Flags
Deijncd *" "lff",Ii"3f;Spccid pro In (luendtler Fru 25 Up Priq m AneDcrdo
ll8 No. Ccder St.GlqrdelcPLong Dou3br f5il-M
Wanted Good Small Yard
Will buy a good small yard, well located. Will consider partnership with management, or will accept position as y_a1{ or credit manager if with good live coniern. Address C-336, California Lumber Merchant.
Positionwanted As Retail Lumber Yard Manager
Retail Lumber Yard Manager, Bookkeeper, Creditman, Salesmanager, Los Angeles experience and Lineyard; understands plan-book and sound financing. References. Address Box C-337, California Lumber Mdrchant.
Dealers Ask for "Lumber Facts" Service
Washington, June 15.-Approximately 3,500 lumber dealers have asked to be placed on a mailing list to receive th-e periodical issues of the sales helps se.-rvice being distributed by the National Lumber Manufacturers Asiociation under the title "Lumber Facts". Six of thtise special information folders have already been published; s6veral others in course of preparation, and they will be issued as often and as long as pithy data of use to lumber dealers can be collected.
Some idea of their value and their diversified character can be had from the titles of the folders published in this series to date. They include: Plans foi Farm Storage Units;The Case for Wood Sash ; Hardwoods and SoItwoods, Sapwood and Heartwood; Plans for a Wayside
Stand; Advantages of Wooden Boxes; and The Wooden {irplane Hangar that Withstood Thirteen Fire Attempts. Others in the series will include various merits of wbod and. the latest engineering data on its economical and servrce-lnsurlng use.
Their real purpose is to pass on to dealers valuable information which naturally flows to the National Association as a result of research and other information contracts. thug making it useful to the man who is actuallv sellins Iumber. Return postal cards are being sent all lisled deal-ers calling attention to the availability ofthis service. A large percentage of returns has been ieceived, and dealers who are being furnished with "Lumber. Facts" state that they are finding them both informative and helpful.
Vestern Logging, Lqqber and V'ood Using fndustry. 1930 Edition Now Ready
Covers all states !(/'est of the Rockies, British Columbii, AlasLa, Philippines and Hawaii. fndustries include Log-ging Operations, Saw Mills, Slingle Mills, !(/oodwortcers, lfood Preserving plants, Manufacrurers of Bores and Box.Shooks, Cross Arms, Sash, Do.or1, Frames, Handles, Excelsior, V"rr""r, c;;i;g;; -F;rrr,"i", iifp-;;J p;;;,-i;;et lrholesaleff, }::if, Buvers, Company General Stores, Company Fiotels, Camp Commissaries, i.;; M;r;i nor?aiif H";; "-J-bou*r c;;;i:
,---Abbey's Register is not simply a.dir-ectory of leading operations, butlists-b-oth-large and small; consequently, it contains approrimately looVo mote names than any sitnilar book published. Theri are many splendid reliinE ;;j t;ti;g opportunities among the small and mediun sized operations.
Abbey's Register sh-ows personnel, capacity, equipme-nt, species of wood sawed and all other information necessary to enable the seller to eelect Prospects intelligently, and-buyers to place-orders and inquiri""*ith "tt "nj"trilijii;;l-;-h;;;;;lji;'r";;;.
,Abbey's, with its 528- pages and over 10,000 listings, makes "f ,,op"r, book,, oi ;li; ;;;; 'sZ;;.r; h;t";-i;J; Order your copy today. Sherloc& Building INDUSTRIAL SERVICE CO.
- Portland, Oregon