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When your customers use Redwood-which grows and is manufactured in California only-you hqve
Givcn him full value for his money;
Secured a catbficd crutomerrv[6 will give you repeat orders;
Supported a C,alifornia Industry; one that
Payr taxea, in California, upon assessed valuations running into millions of dollars;
Employa thousands of California citizens in woods, mill, remanufacturing, sales and allied operations.
Bringe into C.alifornia, each year, millions of dollarg received from the sale of Redwood in Eastern and foreign markets.
Purchasca, annually, more than a million dollais worth of products raised, manufactured and sold in California'
And offers, through the retail trade, a thoroughly dependable quality product of proven worth within the building and construction fields.
Helps you sell your merchandise, by placing at your disposal the entire resources of the Cailfornia Redwood Association, including itsAgricultural, and Engineering Departments,Department of Inspection and Grades, its Trade Promotion and Dealer Relations activities.
In line with the good work of the california Lumber Merchant in widening the sales field and enlargrng t h e d e m a n d for lumber products we have published a handsome, illustrated booklet describing the uses of finish wood6. A copy will be sent youon request.
We are prepared to Gll all the reguirements of the retail lumber yard in items of Gnish, mouldings, panels and hardwood fooring.