2 minute read
Tariff one Dollar on Dressed Lurnber Shingles Free
The new tariff bill, as finally passed by Congress, signed by President Hoover, and effective June l8th, placed wooden shingles on the free list, but established a tariffof one dollar per thousand board feet upon all dressed lumber, dressed lumber being described as lumber dressed on more than one side. One side or edge dressed is considerecl rough lumber, and is on the free listwith rough lumber. Since a very large part ofall the lumber that enters this country from outside its borders is rough, a very large proportion of our imports will continue duty free.
Here are the provisions of the nerv tariff bill that particularly interest the lumber industry:
Par. 4O1. Timber hervn, sided, or squared, otherwise than by sawing, and round timber used for spars or in building u'harves; sawed lumber and timber not specially provided for; all the foregoing, if of fir, spruce, pine, hemlock or larch, $1 per thousand feet, board measure, and in estimating board measure for the purposes of this paragraph no deduction shall be made on account of planing, tonguing, nd grooving: PROVIDED, that there shall be exempted from such duty boards, planks and deals of fir, spruce, pine, hemlock or larch, in the rough or not further manufactured thqn planed or dressed on one side, when imported from a country contiguous to the Continental United States, which country admits free of duty similar ' lumber imported from the United States.
Par. 402. Maple (except Japanese maple), birch, and beech: Flooring, 8 per centum ad valorem.
Par. 4O4. Cedar commercially known as Spanish cedar, lignumvitae, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood, Japanese white oak, and Japanese maple: In the form of sawed boards, planks, deals and all other forms, not further manufactured than sawed., and flooring, 15 per centum ad valorem.
Par. 405. Veneers of wood, N per centum ad valorem; plywood, 40 per centum ad valorem, and in addition thereto on birch and alder plywood, 10 per centum ad valorem; wood unmanufactured, not specially provided for, 2O pe,r centum ad valorem.
Par. 4O6. Hubs for wheels, heading bolts, stave bolts, last blocks, wag'on blocks, oar blocks, heading blocks, and all like blocks or sticks, rough hewn, or rough shaped, sawed or bored, 10 per centum ad valorem.
Par.4O7. Casks, barrels, and hogsheads (empty) sugarbox shooks, and pa'cking boxes (empty) and packing-box shooks, of wood, not specially provided for, 15 per centum ad valorem.
Par. 4O8. Boxes, barrels and other articles containing oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, shaddocks or pomelos, 25 per centum ad valorem: PROVIDED, that the thin wood, so-called, comprising the sides, tops, and bottoms of fruit boxes of the growth or manrrfacture of the United States, exported as fruit-box shooks, may be reimported in completed forms, filled withfruit, by the payment of duty at one-half the rate imposed on similar boxes of entirely foreign growth and manufacture; but proof of the identity of such shooks shall be made under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.