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you enjoy all the freedom, all the luxury of a cruise oa a private yacht.
N the famous President Liners Sunshine Belt-for Hooolulu, Japao, Ching Manila-tbence oo tortnightly schedules to Malaya, Cevloo-with easv access to India-Egypt and Roirnd therVorld.
Stop over whete you please within the two,year limit of your ticket... visit Japan, China, the East lodies at your leisure ; glimpse the fascinating, far-off corners of the world, and then---continue your travels on another President Liner as you would on anotber train.
And this acme of travel experieocewith comfort, accommodations, service second to none- is yours for as little as $,1110 !
You have a large outside room with real beds. Delicious meals, interesting associations. De luxe Liners, luxurious public apartments, outdoor swimming pool, spacious decks.
Ftom LosAngeles and Sao Frarciro: Veekly sailings-via the
From New York ind Boston: Fortnightly sailings for California via Havana and Panama, thetrce Round the World.
($rrro farc includes room and meals, also rail fare from any direct line point in thc U. S. to Los Angeles orSanFrancisco and bad< to starting point f rom NewYork).
Ask for further information from any steamship or tourist agent.
1. Increases, in 1929, compared with 1928, were experienced in l_anuary, Marc!,M"y, June, August, September, October, November and December.
2.Decreases, inl9D, compared with 1928, were experienced during the months of February, April and July. -
3. The greatest and most consistent increases, in 1929 compared with 1928, were during the last third of the year, the two largest months being, lespectively, October- and September.
It is interesting to check these facts with the policy and activities of the California Redwood Association. ai laid down by its Board of Directors. ,
To go back, fora moment, it will be remembered that the Association condu,cted a national advertising campaign d_uring the. years 19268, inclusive; that one objective -of that campaign was to widen markets and increas-e sales in so-called "Eastern" territory-and that during this thrcey-ear p€r-tod "Eastern" sal'es increased, 23/o ovcr those of the prwious three-year period.
In 1929, on the other hand, there was no national advertising; Association eff,ort was concentrated in California (with one exception) and 77/o of the 1929 increase (cofirpared with 1928) showed up in California, rather thin in the East.
-One more_{act (or coincidence, depending upon the point of view) indicative of the sound juclgmeniof-the Board of Directors and its ability to get results is this: of the 25,000,000 foot Redwood increase as shown by the records f.or l9Z9 (compared to 1928) l0 million feet was sold in "Structural" grades, for State and County Highway bridges_; nery -grad_es, toing intoa new markit deviloped for Redwood for the first time, during late L928 and, I9D, by-personal contact work of the Association'backed by active support and cooperation of sales forces of its Member mills.