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ITIHAT'S what you can assure customers regarding Sisalkraft. I tni" supe"-itrelrgth product hae none of the faults that builders oice coneitrereil inevitable in building paper. It does nol tear, puncture or buneh up in applicationIt doee rrot get brittle in cold weather or eticky rr-hen hot. Its almoet unbelievable atrength comeE from croeted lay-ers of nowelastic eisal fibres,imbed{ea in ao*le layerc of highest qual' itv asphdt. The eovere are heavy kraft paperrrnaking itclean "ia "^""y to handle and keeping the aephilt from drying out.
Over IO,OOO dealers ane now puehing thie quality product. Be' eideeprovidingpermanent andpositiie protectioi ftom infiltrat' ins air, moistire and duet in briildinger-Sisallrraft hae h "'dreds of"other uses. The extent of the mihket is almoet unlimited.
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