1 minute read
Expert Advice on your lumber problems...Free
fN order that lumber dealers I everywhere may be familiar with the latest technical information and selling points on lumber, the National Lumber Manufacturers Association has made available a merchandising service known as "Lumber Facts."
The purpose of this merctrandising aid ls to supply data necessar5r to sell quality lumber competitively and profitably . to provide plans for lumber-built structures not readily available through plan services . . to give concisely the best talking points for presenting the merits of lumber for specific uses lot ready reference, "Lumber Facts" contains frling pockets for data sheets. These will be issued semi-monthly, and will cover many phases of lumber selling.
In addition to this new service the National Lumber Manufacturers Association will assist local authorities in rpreparing or revising building codes. . supply you with attractive consumer booklets at half actual cost . . . give you personal advisory service on large projects . assist in conducting builders' schools . furnish mats to be run in your local newspaper.
Ask to have your name on the mailing list to receive "Lumber Facts" as issued. Prepare yourself to answer questions... sell more lumber. Mail the coupon today.