1 minute read
Fercec,rngN' Brand Oak Flooring Man's Best Ma*erial
God planted trees in And our first parents In groves all green In leafy bower and
Then outcast from the garden, To rout his new borir fears Man made from trees his weapons, His wooden clubs and spears.
He brought the b€asts to halter, He tilled the virgin lea And always good wood furnished The tools of hudbandrl.
Wild winds flfng on the wateis t fWh.n.uet man would fashion /e tning light, strong and good, / He needs this gift of nature Man's best material-wood.
A t'ranch, mapl watched it float Then shaped/vith fire and scraping, His first smfll wooden boat.
Contrivingyitauncher vessels Of wood fnd ventu'ring wide, He soug$t for trade and conquest Wherevgf runs the tide.
He linqfu his cot and castle With fplendid panelled.walls, And ffnely fashioned fittings Of w6od adorned his halls.
I The bther sorts of substance Cut; carved or tooled by man, Harle not the warmth and friendship Of ,,rvood nor never can.
M/n's cradle, bed and coffin, T[re nearest things he knows ,$l come from God's green forest phere good material grows.
Millwork Institute Active In Trade Promotion Work
Lester G. Sterett, manag'er of the Service Bureau of the Millwork Institute of California, has just completed another busy month in the interests of the trade promotion activities of the Institute. Spending the first two days of June at the Fresno headquarters he visited in turn Santa Barbara, San Diego and Sacramento in response to special calls, and arrived in Oakland June 8, having covered 2000 miles in just over a r,r'eek.
The next week was spent in the San Francisco Bay District, followed by a week's trip to Eureka, and thi last week was spent in making scheduled calls in various cities of Northern California. Mr. Sterett expects to be in Los Angeles by July 1.
explains the fact tfiat we are doing a Million Dollar per year businesE.
Southern C alif ornia Agenk
Largest produceru on Grayr Harbor, Heart of the old growth fir belt.
Tacoma New Wertminrter, B. C.
Handling the California output of nineBritish Columbia Mills. Reeular shinmentc onffXf*"frlf and Quinault.
Lor Angeler, California
Tacom,a, Werhington 633 Petroleum Sccuritier Building 1123 Warhington Building
WE*more O22O Main 193
There's Pride in Lumber
VeII Made 4.r
Madera Sugar Pine is selected from the finest stand of timber in California, and is similar in grain and texture to the Michigan Cork Pine of old. ft is straight grained and uniformly soft in texture, and our water curin g, aft drying processes render it so pliable and workable as to make it the delight of wood users the world over.