1 minute read
rK0lf The New AsphaltDmulsion in OOLOBS!
After long and intensive reecarch in our own laboratoricr . . . coundeos experimento under scores of conditionc innumct able test inrtallations on all typee of materialr pionecr ir able to announce the p".f"ltion of itr newcot producg
ALBIKOTE is_a pure COLORED emulcifed arphdt porcss- ing tfre identical advantagee of eaay application and oeioanent protection found in PionJer Emulsifiei Arphalt, with'thc addcd advanage of colorful beautyl
Through an exclusive plocess developed by Pionecr. ALBIKOTE elininate! every dificulty enc6untcr6d in prcvioue attempts to combine pigment color wit{r arphalc Thi bare urod in- ALBIKOTE is_ a light colored--.almoci ranrparent-.<rphdg which is-aacily colored by the proper percentagi of qusliti pi& ments witftout tlre leact sacrifice of any of itr protcfove qrieft. tiesl
For the 6rst time, beauty as well as prot€ation is avail,eblc for the reconditiotting of roofs, homes, -factoricr, warehourer, in. dy*41 pbobr hangats and ferm buildingc for the coating of tankr, fencing, bridges, tank cars and ctnrctural rtccl wo*l Featurc thir anazing ncw productjt will build increarcd vol. ume and profit for yout
ALBIKOTE is made in three stanilaril colors, Red, Green anil Blach. Ailtlress lhe Inilushial Emulsion Department for complclc iletaik.
The Only PracticalColored Asphalt Emulsion in the Vorld!