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*MlBoyrVind Handredr OfWaq,r toUselt" .ttoiotI" oilo*l truining tacis

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The manual training department of- your schools is not only a good plywood customer-it is a mean$ of spreading information about the uses of this material into many of the homes of your community.

Boys who find it handy in the "shop" remember it when Mother wants something built around home. They'll be quick ro recognize the good qualities of HARBORD plywood-will learn to watch for the brand on the edge of every panel.

Get your schools using HARBORD plywood and you'll be surprised at the volume of business that will grow from this acquaintance.

Andit's easy to meer any need, if you handle HARBORD plywood. You can build a profitable business with HARBORD plywood and doors. Always direct-from-mill prices.

For prompt quotationr and deliverier write or wire our reprer€ntative, or the milh. HARBORmCORPN


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Gilbert Poretanus, Archbishop of Poictiers in the twelfth century, was once left alone in a monastery for some time, and, devoting himself to the freedom of the great library' he wrote these famous words about books:

The Only Route

All the wild ideas of unbalanced agitators the world over in their ignorant and pitiable qudst for happiness through revolution, confiscation of property, and crime, cannot overthrow the eternal truth that the one route to happiness through property or government is over the broad and open highways of service. And service always means industry, thrift, respect for authority, and recognition of the rights of others.-Chicago Journal of Commerce.

The First Great Banker

them is Athens and the EmPire of,

The first great money king of the wodd was the son of a Jewish merchant in Bauer. Although educ Hi's name was Meyer the synagogue, he became of youth. M ever had half such uti or down,as it pleases me. fiere !'-a noble and sturdy

"I sit here with no company but boo ing into dainty honeycombs of literature. All mi the world's the pinnacle history find their focus in a library. of the temple from which we may see a kingdoms of the world and the glory of them. I Egypt and the Holy Land in the closet next the wi . On the side of Never was such an army as I have mustered ,No general ever had such soldiers as I have. No illustrious subjects as can put my haughtiest I cdl 'Plato !' and he soldier; 'Aristotle !' 'Ilere,' they and smile at me in their immortality a money lender in l743.fhe signboard over his father's shop was a red shield. ;lWishing to change his name, the lf as well governed. I young money lender his name to "Red Shield", And was the parent of that which in English is great bankirtg

Perhaps A

all, they never speak unless spoken to. never refuse to answer. And they are at peace toge/her. My' architects are building nlght and day without,the sousd of hammer, my painters designing' my poets singing, yhy philosophers discussing, mY historians and theologi/hs weaving their tapestries, my generals marching wittrorf noise or blood. I holdEgypt in fee simple. I not a city, but empires, at a word. All

"My late husband was a artist," sighed the boarding house landlady, she cut the pie, "and he always said he found ins in my cooking,"

Bountiful all, the world is or fired the erations

It is the

"Oh, a sculptor,

" remarked the gloomy boarder, as he tried

Dumas On

a book should be like a good dinner-it should haverfi appetizer first. FIe meant that the book should beglnyf gteatly interesting the reader me, all that ever stirred human hearts is harmlessly here. My librarY right at the first, in wearying him. Onpe he gets shelves are trhe avenues of Time. Ages have wrought, gen- the reader interested 16 can do the necessary slowing up. and all th-eir blossoms are cast down here. of immortal fruits, without dog or dragon."

Epitaph To A

Here sleeps, well recognized for A citizen of worth and'

Successful in his chosen field he, Day after day his golden anulsslng, And gave mankind his And left the world service free, poorer for his passing.

Dumas judged othg/S by himself, looked upon himself as an average humay'and an average reader, and figured that what en him would entertain others, and what bored him, bored others. Thus he wrote th6 worldls most interesting stories.

Just Later Methods

old-fashioned girl certainly knerrhow to get a

"So does the modern girl, only she uses different methods."

Finer, better dry- ing at low temperature with no loss of time.

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