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MONOLITH WATERPROOF CEMENT .is revolutionizing re' construction of frame housec and buildings. Applied right over the old frame the comparatively cmall investment required, pays handsome dividends. May we give you detailed facts?
Fo* everyclass of concrete construction MONOLITH WATERPROOF CEMENT will prove most satisfactory on a quality and price basis.
A sweeping claim,true, but one being proven evety day.-by architectsr contractons and builders-responsible for some of the Nation's most important construction operations.
Made of the finest basic materials, fabricated in the most modern mills-the Monolith trade-matk "M" identifies the finest cement products the industry produces.
The use of MONOLITH V/ATERPROOF CEMENT or theregular MONOLITH PORTLAND CEMENT-is at once anenduring protection and economy.
"Build with Monolith" for speed, ease in construction, uniform results and economy.
Monolith Portland Cement Company
215 Vest 7th Sceet Phone TRinity 7ot6 Los Angeles, California Plant at Monolith' Cal.