1 minute read
Put it Ornt I *JfU ffeeps/
One of our most valuable setvices to policy-holdets is investigation of fire causes and counsel in fire prevention. Records show that more fires are charged to carelessness in smoking and espec' ially the careless disposal of still-burning cigatettes than to any other similar cause. To every smoker therefore we say-"Enjoy your smoke, but be sure your cigarette is out before you throw it away and be careful where you thtow it."
With our fire prevcntion service, we offer the highest grade of specialized protection with assurance of prompt payment of losses and with a definite saving, in dividends, of about 40/o in cost.
Carelessness in srnoking is responsible fot I out of every 3 fires from known causes and we can acsume the sarne ratio for all. The loss in dollars and cen6 from this one cause is tremend' ous. Every one of such 6res could be prevented. Every dollar of such losr could be saved. Before you throw away your cigar or cigarette, or before you empty the ashes frorr your pipe, be sure the fire is out.