2 minute read
Cutter Mill & Lumber Co. has Up-to-Date Plant
A good example.of an up-to-date lumber yard and building material store is the main plant of the Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., situated on a site of 3/a acres at 1749 Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento.
As will be seen from the picture reproduced here the building which houses the office, store and mill is an attractive one, done in the Spanish style so popular in California.
The general office and manager's private office are on the right of the main entrance, and these are designed with a view to convenience and efficiency. Manager C. A. "Chet" Minard's private office has glass partitions ontwo sides and is so situated that he can see from his desk all parts of the office and store.
The walls of the private office are finished in Laux Wall Texture, and the office and store are finished in Masonite. The display of Pabco Multi-Service Paint is one of the most attractive in the store, and there is an additional exhibit of this paint in one of the large display windows. Part of the space.in ttiis window is given over to an assortment 9! garden pottery manufactured at Lincoln by Qladding, McBean & Co., and for which this company acts as distributor in the Sacramento Valley.
The space in the other display windorv is occupied by a complete Peerless built-in kitchen.
A very complete line of builders' hardware is shown, and samples of linoleum are exhibited. The store is equipped with a display of advertising literature, plan books, etc.
The store also handles boats, and one oI the two models shown was built on the premises.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, attended the annual convention of the County Boards of Supervisors and County Engineers held at Yosemite, June 18, 19 and, N.
& Lumber Co. at Sacramento.
"We handle all kinds of building materials, including sand, cement and gravel," said Mr. Minard to a representative of this paper, and in drawing attention to the roofing department which handles all kinds of roofing materials, ingluding Creo-Dipt Staine-d Shingles and Spanish tile, remarked that this department is operated separately, and under this plan is showing a remarkable growth.
This company is thoroughly sold on the idea of insulation, and in their belief all houses will in future be insulated for protection against heat and cold, and home buyers will be educated to ask the question, "Is the house insu. lated."
Cutter Mill & Lumber Co. are distributors in the northern part of the Sacramento Valley for Schumacher Wall Board and Laux Wall Texture, and report that sales are increasing in these lines.
An interesting sideline handled by thisfirm is a children's playhouse, designed by a local man and made in their mill in two different designs. These are sold on a basis of 10 per cent down and the balance spread over a year in monthly payments.
Cutter Mill & Lumber Company's mill is modern in everj'respect. They have a good reputation for quality millwork, and are members of the Millwork Institute of California.
The company operates a branch yard in another part of the city, a feature of which is a filling station.
Curtis H. Cutter is president of the company. He is interested in aviation, and is one of the few lumbermen on the Pacific Coast who has a private pilot's certificate.
Curtis Williams Makes European Trip
Curtis Williams, Los Angeles wholesaler, recently left on a trip to Europe, where he will spend a few months touring the continent. His family accompanied him on the tflp.