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advertised and merchandised to every factor in the building industry
L[ERE'S your opportunity to build a I I strong campaign foi more livable homes. to stimulate new building in your territory.
Celotex insulation has been powerfully advertised and merchandised, not only to home buyers, but to every factor in the entire building industry.
Architects and builders know the effectiveness of Celotex insulation knowthat it builds as well as insulates- adds lastingstructural strength wherever used. is the preferred insulation of home buyers everywhere. is known and approved by architects and builders. is backed by detailed merchandising plans to make local sales work more productive. generously repays extra sales efiort helps increase profits throughout your yard.
They realizethe insistent demand for Celotex-insulated houses by men and women everywhere.
Aggressive salesmanship and energetic merchandising methods will make it easy to capitalize this set-up . . . to increase your profits from Celotexand to promote a vigorous demand for newt livable homes.
Giae your salesmen the Celoter Merchandising Plons to help them produce a faster, ntore profitable turnoaer.
Vice President General Sales Manager
THE CELOTEX COMPANY, 919 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Gentlemen: Please send me your detailed Merchandising Plans, designed to increase my profits from Celotex.
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