1 minute read
rmportations of Philippine Woods During First Quorter 1930
(From Philippine Mahogany Association, Inc.)
The' shipments of Philippine lumber into the United States during the first quarter of 1930 amounted to 10,232,000 board feet which represents an in'crease of slightly over 3,000,000 board feet. Of the total imports, approximately 3,000,000 feet, or about 30 per cent, were entered through the Atlantic coast ports; during the first quarter of 1929 at'out one million feet, or 15.per cent of the imports, were received by Atlantic coast dealers. Thus, the distributors east of the Mississippi River received approximately three times as much Philippine lumber the first quarter of 1930 as in the corresponding period of 1929.
The Philippine lumber imports during the period under review and as compiled from the Custom House records in Manila, Iloilo, Le Gaspi, Zamboanga and Cebu were as
In addition to the above quantities there were received through Pacific Coast ports over a million feet of thin lumber and veneers as follows: follows: