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oo.Dnduring as theAneierrtPuehlos

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ABD o'Tiroe Tested,ee

l\HE ancient Pueblo Indians Prized I wood highly for its endurance. AL though they often had tobring it many miles from distant forests, they used it ex' tensively in the construction of their dwellings.Even today, after the lapse of centuries, the ceilings of many of the pueblos are still supported by their origi. nal wooden beams.

And as the Rreblos have "time tested" wood by centuries of use, so have 'West, ern lumbermills proved the endurance of (Jnion Lubricants, by thousands of hours of continuous service in all tlntes of'mill machinery.

Get lhls TBED Servlce

As a distinct service to western lumber' men, the union Oil Company maintains a staff of lubrication engineers, who will visit your mill orcamp without charge to check with you on trny lubrication problem. These scientists are often able to re' duce lubrication costs from lO% to 35Vo yet multiply a plant's effi.ciency.

Phone, write, or wirethe nearest lJnion Oil Distributing Station for one of these (Jnion engineers. Do it Now!

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