2 minute read
The Alvan T. Simonds Ninth Annual Economic Contest, 1930
To secure a more general interest in economics as related to business and to industrial and general welfare.
To secure a clear, forceful and interesting statement of the benefits or injuries to general rvel{are that'may result from government interference lvith the free play of ec-onomic- forces through the Federal Reserve System, the Farm Board or other government agencies, or through legislation.
Subject: l'Government Interference With the Free Play of Economic Forces." First prize, $1000. Second prize, $500. Contest closes December 31, 1930. Open to everybody everyrvhere.
Rules: One thousand dollars is to be awarded the essay decided by the judges to be the best and five hundred dollars for the essay chosen by the judges as the next best. The contest is open to everybody everywhere. The esjays may be as short or as long as the contestant chooses. Each esriy, however, must op& or close with a summary (not exceeding 2500 words in length) written in such a manner that it may be used as a separate magazine article. The merits of the summaries will be given weight in selecting the best essays. Consideration rvill also be given to the fact that the aim of the contest is to increase general economic intelligence, especially on the part of business men. Therefore the essay that by its style and presentation
seems most likely to interest the ordinary business man will have an advantage.
The essays must be written in English, and prefe-rably' on one side of thc paper only. An assumed name should be at the head of eich sheet' A sealed envelope rvith the assumed name on the outside and containing the real name and address should accompany each essay submitted. The essays should be typewritten'
The essays must be original and not previously. published and must not be published or used in any similar contest before the prizes in the contest are awarded. No essays will be returned. Receipt of essays gaqn-gt be ac* knowledged. Contestants can make sure of delivery -by registrati-on. The prize-winning essays. and the copyrights' of-them shall become the property of the donor upon Payment of the prizes.
The judges will be announced after the close of the coni test. They will be selected from experts in economics' business, banking and related activities. Their decisions must be accepted by all concerned as final. The prizes rvill be paid upon announcement by the judges of their decision.
All communications should be addressed to the Economic Contest Editor, Simonds Saw and Steel Company, 47O Main St., Fitchburg, Mass. Essays to be considered should reach him on or before December 31, 1930.
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California Pondosa Pine
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Fifty years supply of timber.