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California White and Sutar Pine-L929
By B. F. Scott, Acting Secretary-M:rnager California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association
Production for the year 1929 in the region covered by the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association membership showed a decrease over the previous Year of .6 per cent.
The events of the latter part of t929 and the curtailment of buying on the part of the public, however, had the ef-
OF FORT BRAGG manager of the logging department of the Company, was recently elected mayor of
Improvements At Redwood
Progress Lumber Co., Redwood City, recently completed some improvements on their shed,
Every woman wants aSupercedarCloset'
Laat yer lt,lXXl homea were equlpped with ,thi! protection uainsi the nvases of tle moth. Retail lumber dealere s;ld not onlv thJ Superc€dar Cloet Lining, but atuddbg' aiding, dors. hardware, mils, guarter rond, etc. You cu sell Sulrercedar Clceta. Wby don't y@ ?
J. STANTON & SON J. E. HTGGINS LBR' CO, Lor Angclea San Franciseo fect of increasing the stocks on hand, and inventories showed an increase of some 15 per cent at the close of the year. This situation is now rapidly righting itself, as the general voluntary curtailment in production, which is in force now throughout the region, will undoubtedly produce the necessary stabilizing effect and better price conditions may be confidently looked for in the near future.
No Smoking in National Forests
Increasing fire hazard,, due to hot weather and lack of rain, has resulted in the closing to smoking of 13 national forests in California, according to report irom Regional Forester S. B. Show of the U. S. Forest Service headquarters in San Francisco. The no smoking order will be extended to all Government forests prior to luly 4. In many parts of the State similar no smoking county restrictions are also in effect.
Realizing that many people who visit the national forests for a vacation enjoy their cigarettes, cigars and pipe, and often find it a hardship to travel considerable distances without smoking, the Forest Service is meeting the smoker half way and is designatirtg spe'cial smoking places throughout the Government forests which will be posted with a sign "Smoke here." The boundaries of such smoking areas will be limited t'y signs reading "No smoking beyond this sign." In this manner it is hoped to curb the tendency of visitors to take a smoke lvhile traveling.
Forest ofificers believe that this action will lead to greater cooperation on the part of national forest visitors in making efiective the efforts of the Forest Service to reduce this most serious fire hazard.
The New and More Efficient Flexible Insulation for Sound Deadening
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Better Health
For Keel Stock and Decking

A PhilippineHardwood that can be used aE a Eubstitute for Oak and Teak
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