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He Couldn't Figure lt
Mose and Sam, two colored brothers in a poker game, sat clutching their cards. Mose said:
"Sam, Ah'll tell you what Ah'll do. You give me one queen outa de deck, an' Ah'll bet you all Ah got heah on dis hand."
Sam looked over the four cold kings in his hand, and crooned with joy. Rapidly searching the discard he handed over the queen asked for, and shoved in his stack. Mose threw away one card and picked up the queen. Sam spread his cards triumphantly on the table face up. Four kings and a nine. Then Mose laid down his hand. Four aces and a queen. He picked up all the money on the table, rose from his chair, and departed. Sam just sat and stared at the two hands.
"Men," he finally said, "what Ah wants me to know is, what in de Hell did Mose want wid dat queen?"
Hi-Jinks Brings Out Big Crowd Cut Will Run 70% Sugar Pine This Year
Over three hundred attended the Lumbermen's Hi-Jinks at the Hotel Adway, Los Angeles, Friday evening, June 18. Lumbermen from all sections of Southern California and several visitors from the Northwest were present. Dinner was serted at 7:AO p.m. and was followed by a two hours' entertainment program which included singing, dancing and vaudeville acts by professional entertainers.
The party was sponsored by Lumbermen's Post, No. 403 of the American Legion. Milton Taenzet, Ameri,can Hardwood Co., Los Angeles, was chairman of the Arrangements Committee.
Change In Yard Managers
Jack Hughes, manager of The Diamond Match Company's yard at Los Molinos, has been transferred to Petaluma. He succeeds Delmar Travis, who will assist in the retail yard department at the ntain olfrce in Chico.
William Harris, bookkeeper at Red Bluff, will succeed Mr. Hughes as manager of the Los Molinos yard.
Michigan-California Lumber Company, Camino, Calif., started up May 5 this year, about two weeks later than usual, but they expect to cut between 26,000,000 and 8,000,000 feet in 1937. This will run about 70 per cent sugar pine this year.
This mill has a capacity of about 16O,00O feet in eight hours.
The company is constucting a new office building, right alongside the old one. The new building has Sugar Pine siding and a Red Cedar shingle roof. Sugar Pine, Ponderosa Pine and some Knotty Pine are used for interior finish.
The new building is insulated with Palco Redwood bark in the ceiling and Balsam-Wool in the sidewalls.
Swift Berry is general manager of the Michigan-California operation. W. F. Baird is sales manager.
E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, is the company's Southern California representative.
Calls On Mills
E. U. Wheelock, Los Angeles, wholesale lumberman, has returned from a trip to Northern California and Northwest mills.