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Sales Promotion Program For Philippine Mahogany

Los Angeles, June l5-The Philippine mahogany importing industry which does the largest tropical hardr.vood business in America, is launching a consumer sales promotion drive, it is announced by W. G. Scrim, president of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Association, fnc.

The association has adopted a sales promotion program which includes consumer advertising and trade advertising.

Gerber & Crossley, fnc., national advertising "g.trry with headquarters in Portland, has been appointed to hand.le the campaign. The program will be financed out of an assessment which has been in effect for several years.

Members of the association, which handles virtually all of the Philippine mahogany brought into this country are: Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co., Portland, Ore.; Black & yates, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Cadwallader-Gibson Co., and FindlayMillar Timber Co., Los Angeles; Insular Lumber Sales Corp., Philadelphia; C. U. Martin, New York; Thomas E. Powe Lumber Co., St. Louis; Robert Dollar Co., San Francisco; Henry J. Winde Co., Charlestown, Mass.

"Our members have long felt that we should capitalize Philippine mahogany's exceptional selling points," declared Mr. Scrim in announcing the program. "Philippine mahogany is the most economical of the luxurious tropical hardwoods. It is admitted to the United States duty free. Cost of production is low, owing to the accessibility of the timber."

The nine-point program was worked out by the advertising and promotion committee of the association, in collaboration with its advertising agency. Members of the committee are: Roy Barto, chairman; H. R. Black, and C. U. Martin.

Lawrence A. Robson

Lawrence A. Robson, one of the principals in Lumber Dealers, Inc., retail lumber dealers, Oakland, died in Oakland June 22 f.rom burns received in a fire in his apartment on June 19.

Mr. Robson was 28 years of age. He came to Oakland a few months ago from Westminster, B. C., where he had been assistant sales manager of the Timberland Lumber Company, Ltd. He was'the son of Alex T. Robson, one of the owners of Timberland Lumber Company.

Funeral and interment were at Westminster. B. C.

New Book on Plywood for Concrete Forms

A handbook, "Concrete Forms of Douglas Fir Plywood," has been issued by the Douglas Fir Plywood Association and free copies are available to architects, builders, dealers, engineers and specification writers upon request to the Association's office at Tacoma, Wash.

The book consists of 24 pages, is illustrated with photographs of buildings and other types of construction in which Douglas fir plywood was used for concrete forms, and contains additional information and data on the use of plywood as concrete form material.



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HlGlr 0UAUTY SHttGrr

YouR cusTorfiEn DErfiArDs !

\(/n"o a buyer comea into your atore he asks for a chingte that will rtand up. C,ost to hinr ic not ac important a factor ar getting a durable, eary-tG keep-in'condition roof. You cantt guarantoe that tind of a roof unlerc you sell him a brand of rhingler that you tnow are the bect you can buy.

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Brand Of Red

CEDAR SHINGLES co-pletety fitl the billt Experdy nanufacturdd of a elose grained high dtitude red cedar, Snider rhingles make cale after sale. Try them-all sizea and grade* Also Nu-Cut Shakes availeble.

Commerce College Humor

Commerce is a game of skill which every man cannot Professor (After a bad recitation)-Class is dismissed; play, which few men can play weltr. The right merchant don't fap your ears as you go out.-Bean Pot. :l:F* is the one who has the just average of faculties we call common sense; a man of strong affinity for facts, who

THE LADy pOVERTy makes up his decision on what he has seen. He is thorough-

By Jacob Fischer

ly persuaded of the truths of arithmetic. There is always I met her on the Umbrian Hills, a reason, in the man, for his good or bad fortune; and so, Her hair unbound, her feet unshod; in making money. Men talk as if there were some magic As one whom secret glory fills about this, and believe in magic,.in all parts of life. He she walked-alone with God' knows that all goes.,on the old road, pound for pound, I met her in the city street; cent for 6snf-f6r- every effect a perfect cause-and that Oh, changed was her aspect then ! good luck is .another name for tenacity of purpose.- With heavy eyes and weary feet Emerson. She walked alone-with men 't*!F

It isn't the holiday we want, it's the day after.-Mark Twain. *X(*


Mike was smoking in the waiting room of a railway station. A porter said to him, "Don't you see that notice on the wall?-'No Smoking Allowed'?"

t'Yes, f do," answered Mike, "But how can I kape all the rules? There's another sign on the wall, 'Wear Gossard Corsetsl."

New Style Lullaby

Hush-a-bye baby, pretty one sleep, Daddy's gone golfing to win the club sweep. If he plays nicely-I hope that he will, Mother will show him her dressmaker's bill.

Hush-a-bye baby, safe in your cot, Daddy's 'come home and his temper is hot; Cuddle down closer, baby of mine, Daddy went around in a hundred an nine.

when love and ,r.nr *rlr. ;-:.*r expect a masterpiece.

-John Ruskin.

THEY ALSO T\MIDDLE THEIR MIDDLE l'Hulu hulu dancers have an easy time of it."


"Oh, all they have to do is to sit around and twiddle their tums." 'f**

You may be as orthodox as the Devil, and as wicked.

-John Wesley.


Old-time mosquito (to. young mosquito) "And to, think that when I was your age I could bite girls only on the face and hands." * * +.


I cannot commend to a business house any artificial plan for making men producers-any scheme for driving them into business-building. You must lead them through their self-interest. It is this alone that will keep men keyed up to the full capacity of their productiveness.-Charles H. Steinway.

Darky Philosophy

"IIi there, you; didn't you tell me you never got tired?" "Dat's right, boss, Ah allus stops an' restes befor' Ah' gits tiahd."

Los Angeles Ranks Second in Building

Los Angeles continues to hold second place in building among the cities of the nation for the first five months of L937 with a total ol $25,765,977 according to figures compiled by Dun & Bradstreqt, Inc. San Francisco ranks tenth with $8,757,661; Oakland is eighteenth w,ith 94,043,544, and San Diego is nineteenth with 94,021,076. New York held first place rvith a total of $L25,574,58.

Building permit valuations for the twenty leading cities for the first five months in 1937 and the corresponding period last year follow:

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