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San Joaquin Lumbermen Hold Annual Frolic

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The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club held their annual frolic on June 19-2Q at the beautiful summer home of F. Dean Prescott, located at Trvin Brooks in the High Sierras about fifty miles from Fresno.

'fhe Club was well represented by its membership, and they had as guests about twenty-five representatives of the wholesale lumber industry.

Mr. Prescott again proved himself to be the perfect host, providing every comfort and pleasure for both members and guests.

Mr. Jorgenson's services were obtained to provide the wonderful eats which consisted of a turkey dinner Saturday night. Following dinner the members and guests gathered around a huge bonfire where stories were swapped and a grand time was had by all.

Following breakfast Sunday, the morning was spent playing games and swimming. At 2 p.m. another perfect meal was served; a steak dinner with all the trimmings. About 5 p.-. the crowd began to break up to go home. leaving with regret the beautiful spot where they had such an enjoyable time which u'ill last a long time in the memories of snapped

Will Hold Open House

The San Pedro Lumber Co. will hold open house at its new retail lumber and building material store, 1518 South Central Ave., Los Angeles, from July 8 to July 17.

On the eveuing of July 8 at 7 p.m. they will entertain the members of the Building Contractors Association of Southern California, and all general building contractors. Contests of speed and skill have been arranged and which all contractors are invited to enter. Three prizes in merchandise orders, $15 for first, $10 for second, and $5 for third, will be awarded in each contest. and in addition there will be three door prizes of 925, 915 and 910. The prizes to be awarded total $200.

There will be five contests: (1) Install USG insulating wool in a wall section. Contestants to unpack, cut and install. Time and workmanship to count equally. Limited to 10 entries.

(2) Install se,ction of Art-Ply plywood. Contestants to install panel and make tight joints. Time and workmanship to count equally. Limited to 10 entries.

(3) Install Silentite window. Contestants to unpack, assemble and install one double-hung window. Time 75%, workmanship .25%. Limited to 10 entries.

(4) Build 5 feet of picket pack fence. Contestants work in pairs on rails, singly on pickets. Time and workmanship to count equally. Limited to 1O entries.

(5) Tear a sheet of Sisalkraft along a straight line. Straightest tear wins. Time limit 10 minutes. Entries unlimited.

There will be a demonstration of Owens-Illinois Insulex glass block and its properties, also a demonstration of the qualities of Old Colony paints.

Supper will be served at the completion of the contests and the awarding of the prizes.

tVill Use Redwood for Highway Construction

California Redwood has again been called upon by engineers of the California Division of Highways to perform an experimental job in California highway construction.

Plans for 90 miles of 4-lane highway, supplementing 55 miles already in use, utilize structural Redwood in various localities in providing a divided highway.

Designed for immediate construction on the difficirlt A1tamont Pass, between Oakland and Stockton on U. S. No. 50, will be 12 miles of 4-lane highway, using a four-foot island with Redwood ,curbs. Redwood was also used in the 'curbing on the new Cuesta Grade alignment in San Luis Obispo ,county on Highway No. 1O1 and on the divided highway approaches in Alameda county to the San Francis,co-Oakland Bay Bridge.

The divided highway depends upon the efifi,ciency of the dividing strip in facilitating safe movement of traffi,c plying in two directions, state engineers explain. Trhe highway authority is seeking the design which will be adequate without being prohibitive in cost. Ea,ch project becomes a special study, subject to special treatment and application.

Redwood's .acknowledged durability and great salvage value are recognized assets in its selection for a m.ajor test in this state highway program.

J. Hrrold Petcnon

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