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A.quires New Modern Factory Building

Due to the constantly uct the Acme Spring Sash increasing demand for their prodBalance Co. has recently acquired a much larger and very modern factory Long Beach Avenue, Los Angeles. building at 1626

The manufacturers of this very popular and almost indispensable item of builders hardware are to be congratulated for the manner in which they have brought it up to its present high standing rvith the trade. From a modest beginning eleven years ago the Acme Sash Balance is now favorably known in architects' ofihces, wholesale and retail hardware companies, lumber companies and sash and door dealers as a leader in its field. The design and careful attention to manufacturing details have given it "what it takes" to make good mechanically. In addition the sales policy has proved effective to the end that the trade name ACME is all that the name implies.

Tribute in this story of success must, necessarily, go to the original designer of the Acme Sash Balance, A. H. Kersting, who through persistence and faith in his product, as well as with faith in the future of. the double hung window, has been rervarded r,vith distinct success.


C. Arthur Bruce, vice-president of E. L. Bruce Co., Memphis, Tennessee, is spending a few weeks on the West Coast on a combined business and pleasure trip.

While here he will visit his father, E. L. Bruce, Sr., chairman of the board of E. L. Bruce Co., who now resides in Los Angeles and is actively interested in the distribution of Bruce Products in California. This visit to his father is an annual occasion for him, as well as for his brothers, and he will be joined soon by E. L. Bruc'e, Jr., also a vicepresident of the company.

Mr. Bruce will also inspect the new San Francisco warehouse of E. L. Bruce Co., which has recently been completed. This warehouse, as well as the one in Los Angeles, caffy a complete line of hardwood flooring and lumber products.

Not only does the Acme Sash Balance serve the western market but it has steadily worked itself into the eastern states and export business, as lvell. And-the company is still young.

Travels By Air Route

George Gorman, Trans-Pacific Lumber Co., Port Orford. Ore., was a Southern California visitor last month. George spent only two days in the Southland but he covered a lot of territory. He left the Oakland airport at 6:45 a.m. and flew to San Diego where he called on two customers, then flew back to Los Angeles, arriving there just before noon, where he had an appointment with Arthur Twohy, of the Twohy Lumber Co., who represents the firm in Southern California. George returned to San Francisco by airplane.

Will Build New Plant At Galt

The Diamond Match Company is starting construction of a modern retail lumber plant at Galt. It will replace the yard recently destroyed by fire.

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