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Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.

Lumberman to 'invest $10,000.00 in an old established lumber mill and millwork plant situated in the East Bay district. Either as a partner or will sell outright. The party who invests to take full charge. This is a real opportunity in a fast growing community. Address Box C-673, California Lumber Merchant.

Situation Wanted By Office Man

Lumberman with splendtid backgro,und of more than twenty years experience in manufacturing, wholesale and retail, is seeking a position. 43 years old, single. Experienced in wholeale and retail buying, accounting, correspondence, estimating, counter work, etc. Over two years Los Angeles experience. Witl go anywhere for a fairly decent salary. Address Box C-668 California L,umber Merchant.

For Sale

Retail Yard, 60 miles from Los Angeles in fast growing territory. Will make attractive deal account of ill health. Write Box C-674 California Lumber Merchant.

Wanted Position As Bookkeeper

Young lady experienced bookkeeper and secretary in wholesale and retail lumber business desires position. Address Box C-671, California Lumber Merchant.

Good Opportunity For Young Retail Lumberman

Will consider financing young retail lumberman with following in Los Angeles County. Must be practical man and able to operate retail yard. Write full particulars, giving experience, age, etc. Address Box C-672, California Lumber Merchant.

Position Wanted

By well acquainted California lumberman, who is thoroughly experienced in the wholesale business and as retail yard manager. Prefer to remain in Northern California. Address Box C-670, California Lumber Merchant.

Retail Yards For Sale

Los Angeles yard doing $f0,000 monthly business. Real estate, buildings and all equipment $5,700. Stock at inventory.

Yard in suburban town, new building, clean stock. Lease $75 per month includes fine modern apartment. Stock $1,500, equipment $25t), doing $2,500 business monthly without soliciting.

Both these yards are exceptionally good buys.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

Going and Coming

J. A. Privett, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is vacationing and left on June 25 f.or Yosemite where he will spend a few days. He will also visit San Francisco to look over the new San Francisco-Oakland and Golden Gate Bridges, and then motor north into Oregon where he will try his luck at fishing. He will be back at his desk in about three weeks.

R. R. Henderson, Lone Pine Lumber & Supply Co., Lone Pine, visited Los Angeles, June 18, on business. In the evening he attended the Lumberments Hi-Jinks. C. I. Sumner, Lone Pine building contractor, made the trip with him.

Bill Giles, who operates retail lumber yards at Lennox and Hawthorne, has returned from a trip to Minnesota.

C. W. Kempter, sales manager of the Shaw Lumber Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., was a Los Angeles visitor during the month of June on company business. IIe was among those present at the Lumbermen's Hi-Jinks.

Frank H. Hrarris, vice-president of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Company, San Francisco, is taking his vacation in the form of a month's automobile tour. He is accompanied by Mrs. Harris.

Walter S. Kennon, sales manager of the Swayne Lumber Co., Oroville, spent a week in Los Angeles last month on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mrs. Kennon accompanied him.

C. C. Barr, Barr Lumber Company, Whittier, was a recent visitor to Salt Lake City. On the return trip he visitecl Bryce Canyon and. Zion National Parks.

Bill Fickling, A. P. Fickling and Mrs. Fickling have returned tion trip to Alaska.

Lumber Co., Long Beach, from a three weeks' vaca-

Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena, is back from a trip to his ranch in Northern California, near Redding.

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