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Fred J. \food

Fred J. Wood, president of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital in Bellingham, Wash., early Tuesday morning, June 22, following a long illness. He had been a resident of Bellingham'since 1901.

lfe was born in Stanton, Mich., in 1869, the son of the late E. K. Wood and Marion (Thayer) Wood. He graduated from Olivet College in Michigan in 1890, and then came to the Pacific Coast where he was associated with his father who had lumber interests in California and Washington.

The E. K. Wood Lumber Co. operated a mill at Grays Harbor, and in 1900 the company purchased a mill at Bellingham and later bought large timber tracts in that section. In 1926 the Bellingham mill was destroyed by fire, and they then built their present mill at Anacortes, Wash., which is one of the most modern electrified lumber plants on the Pacific Coast. Mr. Wood was also head of the Nimpkish Timber Co., Ltd., in British Columbia.

The company maintains an office in San Francisco, and they have yards at Oakland, Los Angeles, San Pedro and other Southern California points. They also operate a fleet of lumber steamers.

Mr. Wood held membership in the Knights Templar, Scottish Rite Consistory, Elks, and the Bellingham Country Club. He was a director of the First National Bank of Bellingham for many years.

He is survived by a son, Warren B. Wood of Pasadena, vice-president of the company in charge of the company's Southern California operations; a daughter, Mrs. Charles L. Sefrit of Bellingham; and five grandchildren, Frances Wood, Fred J, Wood, Anna Bale Sefrit, Frank Wood Sefrit, and Mary Jane Sefrit. He was a brother of the late Walter T. Wood, who died in Oakland in t929, when vice-president of the company.

Funeral services were held at Bellingham, Thursday af.ternoon, June 24.

New Douglas F:r Plywood Booklet

Announcement has just been made by the Forest Products Division, Departrnent of Commerce, Washington, D. C., of the issuance of a new publication, "American Douglas Fir Plywood and Its lJses." This publication is of the trade promotion type and is of particular interest to retail lumbermen, building contractors, wood working industrialists, manual training instructors, teachers and home handicraft workers. as well as others associated with the use of soft wood plywood. It may be secured by writing the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., or through any of the 31 District Offices of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. The 4l-page booklet sells for 10 cents a copy.

Calls On The Trade

C. C. Stibich, sales manag'er for the Tahoe Sugar Pine Co., San Francis'co, spent a week in Southern California on company business aiound the middle of June.

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