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w)sPEctAHZt ilG
€J- in supplying lhe discrimincting Western trcrde with the finest philippine Meanr Depcndability Hqrdwoods thqt the Islands produce crnd modern saqnnills mcnulcrcture.
Big Stocks, Quick Senrice, Relicbitity.
,"ffi-H:"l? llr WALTER G. SGRIM
MIII.S AIID YABDS: | | r | | lll West 7th
Going and Coming
Dick Loveday, Los .dngeles retailer, Mrs. Loveday, and their son, left last week for New York City. On the return trip, Dick will pick up a new machine in Detroit, and they will drive back to the Southland. They expect to be gone about a month.
Walter Koll, A. J. Koll Planing Mill, Inc., Los Angeles, with Mrs. Koll and their daughter, will leave July 14 on the McCormick S. S. Emergency Aid for Seattle, shipping their automobile along. They will then motor through Yellowstone Park, returning home by way of Salt Lake City.
A. E. Fickling, Long Beach retailer, is on an automobile tour to the several National Parks, including Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, and Yellowstone, then on to Seattle, returnlng home by the Coast Route.'
Frank Osgood, Osgood Lumber Company, Bell, attended the Dth annual Rotary International convention, June 1924. at San Francisco.
Burton Chace, Chace Lumber & Supply Co., Long Beach, has returned from a trip to New Ytork City.
E. L. "Bud" Reitz, E. L. Reitz Co., Los Angeles, is back from a trip to the Northwest.
Lumbermen friends of Dick Nelson, Buena Park Lumber Company, Buena Park, have received cards from Dubrovnik, Jugoslavia. Dick reports that he hasn't seen a lumber yard for three months.
George Gorman, Gorman Lumber Company, San Francisco, flew his airplane to the Grand Central Airport at Glendale last week for a major over-haul which will require about ten days to do the job.
Percy Merithew, wholesale sales manager, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, Mrs. Merithew and their daughter have motored to Spokane, \Mash., where they are vacationing. On the return trip, Mr. Merithew will visit the company's Portland office, also The Pacific Lumber Company plant at Scotia. He will be back at his desk on July 5.
Frank Park, Park Lumber Co., LaMesa, and Mrs. Park, are on a trip to Alaska.
George Gibson, Gibson Lumber Company, and Prof. Ellis Spackman, of San Bernardino, sailed from New York, June 11, on the S. S. Columbus, for a European tour. They will meet Ben Ames, United Press correspondent, at Athens, Greece, and make a cruise with Mr. Ames in his yacht through the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and Dardanelles to Istanbul. They also will tour France, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, and England, returning home in August on the S. S. Queen Mary.