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Sash and Door \(/hofesalers Play Golf

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"Pick" Maule was the low gross winner with a score of 69 at the golf tournament held by the Wholesale Sash & Door Association of Southern California at the Brentwood Country Club, Wednesday afternoon, June 15, and was awarded the trophy donated by the Association. To obtain permanent possession of this trophy, it must be won three times.

Thb low gross prize, a sweater, for the guest golfers was.won by Hervey Bowles with a score of 87, and Paul Baugh, low net winner with a score of 69, was presented with a box of golf balls.

Dinner was served in the Club House al 7:3O P. M. E. G. MacDougall, who was in charge of the arrangements for the tournament, presented the prizes. The next tournament will be held in August and D. W. Teachout will act as chairman.

Golf prizes were donated by Ken Haley, Vic Mendelson and E. G. MacDougall.

Softball Team Wants To Schedule Games

The Van Matre-Manning "Lumberjacks" softball team is having a fine season and to date has won 8 and lost 2 games. They would like to schedule some games with teams representing other lumber companies. Gordon Bogue is manager and captain of the Van Matre-Manning team.

Armstrong Will Make First Shipment3 From New Factory This Summer

First shipments of Armstrong's Asphalt Tile will be made from the new factory of the Armstrong Cork Comppny at South Gate, Calif., early this summer, H. W. Prentis, Jr., president of the company announced to members of the 1938 Advisory Committee of Armstrong resilient tile contractors, at their recent meeting held in the company's general offices at Lancaster, Pa.

"Production of asphalt tile in California will greatly improve the service enjoyed by Pacific Coast contractors, and make possible a very considerable savings in delivery time and freight charges," Mr. Prentis said. Eastern, southern, and central sections of the United States will continue to be served by direct shipments from the Lancaster factory.

The two-day conference of the Advisory Committee was devoted to the discussion of various suggestions resulting from correspondence between committee members and their fellow contractors. Previous to the meeting, each of the committee members had written to all of the Armstrong contractors in his geographical division of the country in special reference to the meeting. The replies were used as the basis of the discussions.

Action on recommendations of the contractors made thr,ough their representatives on the Advisory Committee, will be announced from time to time in Tile Talk, a monthly publication as well as in Tile Topics Bulletins.

FHA Showg 25Vo Plan

An insight to the rules governing the sound financing of a home are given in a new FHA chart, which appears below. Quite significantly "net income" is defined as the amount remaining from salary or earnings after payment of notes, automobiles, furniture and other installment obligations have been deducted.

It is pointed out that a person earning $20O a month, but buying an automobile on monthly installments of $35 and r,l'ith other installments of $15 rvould have a monthly "net income" of only $150.

The FHA chart follows:

If you have a You safely may If built under Monthly pay- steady month- invest in a home FHA it could ments. w i t h ly net income (house and lot) be financed for taxes and 6re which amounts under the new a maximum Insurance to as FHA: amount of : should not exceed:

Al Frost, Frost Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego, has returned from a trip to the Panama Canal.

Is Your Present Credit Seryice STOP AND GO?

STOP mectns to cecrsg progress, ond the usual Credit Roting Book STOPS even before it is ofl the press. While on the press, the informotion in it goes out ol dote. The book is obsolete when it reqches the subscriber and beccruse it is- not supplemented, the longer it is in his hqnds, the more obsolete it becomes. That is the stop crnd go type of service.


With the Lumbermen'q Credit Roting Book it is GO crll the time. Our lorge orgonizotion is gcrthering informction cgntinuously, even while the book is on the press. By the time it is o{l the press ihis new informqtion is printed in supplement form crrd goes right clong with the new book to oll subscribers. Regulorly, ot three-dcry intervols during the period between issues of the book, cll of the new inlormation is sent to.subscribgls in lgRRlementol Sheets which become c port of the book itself, conveniently cnrcnged lor quick reference. These Sheets give chcrrges in rctings, the ncnnes ol new concerns storting up crrd prccti&lly qll other hoppenings thqt qre of interest to you.

Q,et <rcguointed with this ulique service. Try it on the populcn 30-doy Approvol Plcn. There is no obligation. Write for full inlormqtion cbout this libercl plcrn.

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