1 minute read
Just \(/onderin'
I wonder, when the Glorious Fourth Is heralded throughout the land With booming guns and waving flags And many a patriotic band, If we with grateful hearts will pledge i Our faith and constant loyalty
I To this dear land we call our own, Whose gifts are hope and liberty.
Here comes the Fourth of July ! Hurrah and again hurrah ! Independence Day will be celebrated with the sound of roaring guns, popping fire crackers, strains of patriotic music, and the cheers of pleasure loving throngs. There vuill be flights,of oratory-ceiling unlimited-and perchance in many hearts a rededication to the ideals and principles for which the day stands.
I wonder if you recall the old slogan, "My country, right or wrong;" it was popular several years ago-perhaps we underestimatei its value, at any rate it slipped into the discard. Bemused by the rapid and astonishing changes in world affairs and unduly influenced by exotic propaganda, some among us adopted pernicious ideals of life and liberty and grew sophisticated. These misguided souls called themselves modern thinkers-intellectuals, who considered it very clever to criticize the land in which they roonr