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Los Angeles

Wholescrle Hardwood Distributors Since lg04 photograph shows Mr. Weyerhaeuser at his organization's headquarters in recently installed Hardwood Com-

The Sun Lumber Company of Beverly Hills, made its annual award of cash prizes to the young boys in the Manual Arts Departments of the three elementary schools of Beverly Hills for the most attractive and best finished hand products made during the school year.

A photograph shows the attractive exhibit of the Hammond Lumber Company in the Architects Building, Los Angeles.

FI. O. Warde won the low gross prize, and Ted Lawrence was the low net winner at the Southern California lumbermen's golf tournament held at the Brentwood Country Club, June 22.

Moore Dry Kiln., North Portland, Ore., a new hardwood dry kiln at the Tropical pany in Los Angeles.

G. W. Dow, Lone Pine Lumber & Supply Co., Lone Pine, has completed alterations which makes his yard one of the most modern east of the mountains.

An illustrated article on the new Cresmer Manufacturing Co. plant at Riverside, one of the best equipped and most convenient plants of its kind in the 'West, appears in this issue.


[xclusively lVholesale

Sa,s h- D o ors- Scr e ensGl as s PanelsWallb o ar d- Colutnns

Our solesmen qnd delivery trucks ore on o schedule for your convenience The California Door Company

257-239-241 Cenbql Ave., Los Angeles TRinity 7461 pRospecr 616l

King Lumber Company, Bakersfield, has opened a yard at Buttonwillow.

Paul Revert is in charge of The Red River Lumber Company's Los Angeles interests, succeeding the late James D. Rickard.

The Western Hardwo.od Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is taking over the National Hardwood Company, the oldest hardwood flooring concern in the city.

George E. Ground, former manager of the Modesto Lumber Co., has opened the George E. Ground Lumber Co. at Modesto.

Jack Waters Attends Rotary

Jack Waters, advertising manager for the Pioneer Division, The Flintkote Company, at Los Angeles, was one of the Southern Californians who attended the international convention of Rotary at San Francisco this month.

Bob Leishman Visits Mills

Bob Leishman, of Los Angeles, assistant to A. L. ("Gus") Hoover, is visiting the mills of The Pacific Lumber Company, at Scotia, California, at the present time.

Returns From Vacation

M. L. (Duke) Euphrat of Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco, was back at his desk June 27, after trvo weeks' vacation spent at Suttle Lake in Central Oregon, where he says the fish were "large and wild."

Rate---$Z.5o Per Column Inch.


I Yates B-3 double surfacer with direct motor drive and switches complete. Penberttry Lumber Company, 2055 E. 51st Street, Los Angeles. Telephone Klmball 5111.

Retail Office Man Wants Position

Retail yard office man just past 40, with better than 20 years lumber experience, 5 years in Los Angeles territory' seeks job as bookkeeper-estimator-counter salesman. Not a novice, but a competent, efficient workman, who knows his stuff. Single. Healthy. Location immaterial. Address Box C-715, California Lumber Merchant.

Dedicate New Church of California Redwood

With the coming of June and winter to the island Nauru, south of Melbourne, Australia, a congregation of 1,00O natives gathered to dedicate the new church of California Redwood constructed by the Reverend C. L. Welch of the London Missionary Society. To the handsome bellrey ol the new structure they moved the bell from the old church, which had fallen prey to the dreaded giant white ant.

Searching for the proper material for the new church, Reverend Welch used as his guide the technical bulletin, "California Redwood and Its IJses," published in 1937 by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, which said: t'Termites, commonly called white ants, are the most destructive enemies of wood. The heartwood of California Redwood contains certain elements which are believed to impart to the wood the characteristics of a natural preservative, making it one of the most termite-resistant woods produced in the United States. This is verified by actual tests conducted by the Bureau of Entomology of the United .States Department of Agriculture."

After consultation with John Sharp & Sons, Ltd., timber merchants of Melbourne, Reverend Welch placed an order for more than 50,000 lineal feet of redwood timbers, all to be pre-fabricated and erected first in Melbourne. Each fabricated piece was numbered and then dismantled into approximately 1000 sections for shipment to the island site. There unskilled natives, under the direction of missionaries, put the sections into place and within three months the complete structure was in use.

The building is of Gothic architecture in cruciform. Its general measurements are 110 by 8O feet, with a seating capacity for the entire congregation of 1000 souls.

Because ventilation is one of the chief problems in church attendance on the island. more than 40 louvred Gothic windows were placed in the structure, plus six inch ventilation

Lumber Salesman Wanted

Live, responsible Oregon Pine wholesaler, rail shipments. Liberal commissions, exclusive territories. No objection to yourselling other non-competitive lines. State experience. Address Box C-716, California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

Suburban lumber yard in Southern California. Very clean. Real estate $6,000 but would lease to responsible party. Building, machinery, trucks and all yard and office equip' ment $12,0()0. Stock about $10,000. Best living conditions and competitive situation very fine.

Also good yard in Coast City. Improvements and equipment $l0,(Xl0, inventory $10,q)0, ground leased.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yark Brokers, 801 Petro' leum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

vents between the concrete foundations and the redwood. Every precaution was taken to eliminate the hazard of termites.

California Redwood, or Red Pine as it is known in southern Australia, has long been used for its durability and resistance to insect attack. Shipments of redwood have been going regularly to Australia since 1858, this country leading all other importers of this durable wood.

"!(/estern Pine Camera Yiewttt In Demand

The Western Pine Association reports that the demand for copies of its 1937 and 1938 editions of "Western Pine Camera Views" for home builders is far in excess of expectations and requcsts continue to arrive in every mail from each section of the United States.

The 1938 edition, a thirty-two page, plastic-bound portfolio, is a pictorial presentation of home building ideas based on actual installations of Idaho White Pine, Ponderosa Pine and Sugar Pine. This edition contains an entirely new set of illustrations. It shows attractive, low-cost homes as well as more pretentious structures. New treatments for sidewalls, enameled woodwork, formal paneled rooms, intriguing cabinets, cheery, modern kitchens, built-in bunks and knotty pine playrooms are but a few of the illustrated suggestions of ways to build really livable homes with West Pines.

The information this book contains will appeal to lumber merchants, builders and architects, as well as to Persons who plan to build. A sample copy will be sent free to any interested organization if the request is written on the firm's letterhead and sent to the Western Pine Association, Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon.

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