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Ten Years
This is our Sixth Annual Issue. There are special articles by LeRoy H. Stanton, H. B. Oakleaf, Kenneth Smith, R. F. Hammatt, R. V. Baker, C. Stowell Smith, L. H. Elliott, Adeline M. Conner, C. C. Crow, R. D. Mundell, B. W. Byrne, M. L. Cooper, Mrs. J. E. Fraser, Harry W. Gaetjen, Floyd A. Dernier, P. C. Carre, W. B. Laughead, and Fred W. Roth.
This issue carries an illustrated article on the San Francisco and Oakland harbors.
California lumber pr,oduction f.or 1927 which included Redwood, Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, White Fir, Douglas Fir, and all other species, totaled 2,013,59O,00O feet.
The photograph of Al Koehl's new private office, finished in walnut, is a room worth traveling far to see. The millwork was all done at their own plant.
At a banquet staged at the Tracy Inn, Tracy, Peter B. Kyne, California's famous author, presented to the Tracy High School a trophy to be awarded annually to the most valuable football player on the squad. A. J. (Gus) Russell of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, arranged the affair and also brought with him several of California's most brilliant artists to help in the entertainment.
The sawmill of the West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, Ore., made what is believed to be a record cut for a single band mill, in the month of April when the daily cut averaged D6,6& feet.
George C. Cornitius, hardwood wholesaler and importer, San Francisco, completed a merger with three of his cornpetitors on the Pacific Coast, forming a corporation to be known as the George C. Cornitius Hardwood Co., with headquarters in San Francisco.
Hal Morton of the Campbell Lumber Company, Campbell, spent a week in the Redwood Empire where to took moving pictures of The Pacific Lumber Company's mill and logging operations. He showed the pictures at the annual meeting of the Campbell Kiwanis Club.
J. A. Hart announced his purchase of Hart & Burmeister, Jerrold and Napoleon Streets, San Francisco. The new company will be known as the J. A. Hart Mill & Lumber Co.
Jimmy Atkinson, San Francisco and Mrs. Atkinson, announced the boy at their home on June 21.
wholesale lumberman, arrival of a fine baby
The first shipment of packaged lumber by mail, in what is believed to be the largest first class mail package ever posted in the United States, was recently sent from St. Paul to Washington. It was addressed by F. K. Weyerhaeuser, representing the Weyerhaeuser-affiliated companies, to Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce' as a tribute to his initiative in establishing the American Lum-