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bcorporctod uldrr tho lcwr ol Cdllordc l. C. Dloalo. Pror. cad lrrcr.r l. E Mdrda V!clPr.&, W. l. llccl, Srcrrtcry Publbb.d tlo lrt old lStb ol oacb rnoot ct 3l&19-20 Coatral Eulldiag, ltF W..t Sl*tL Strert, Lor Aascto, Cct- Tetophoao VAsdlto |565 Eatrrod cr Socoad-clog ncttor Soptrubor 15, Is1 at |l. Po.t-O6c. at Lor Algobr, Cqtllonlc, -uldrr f,ct ol llarcL 3, llr9 Subecriptioa Price, g2.ll{t per Single Copiee,25

\,[f. T. BI.ACK Advertiriag Mcacger

How Lumber Looks

Lumber production during the week ended June 14, 194L, was 3 per cent greater than in the previous week; shipments were .8 per cent greater; new business 12 per cent greater, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering the operations of representative hardwood and softwood mills. Shipments were .2 per cent above production; new orders 20 per cent above production. Compared with the corresponding week oL l94O, production was 6 per cent greater, shipments 12 per cent greater, and new business 38 per cent greater. The industry stood at lN per cent of the average of production in the corresponding week of 1935-39 and lD per cent of average 1935-39 shipments in the same week.

During the week ended June 14, 452 mills produced 253,154,000 feet of hardwoods and softwoods combined; shipped 253,624,W feet, and booked orders of 303,586.000 feet.

Lumber orders reported for the week ended June 14 by 375 softwood mills totaled 290,838,000 feet, shipments r,vere 241,%l,W feet, and production was 241,406,000 feet. 9l hardwood mills for the week gave new business as lL,74g,000 feet, shipments I2,363,W feet, and production ll,748,000 feet.

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended June 14, 118 mills reporting, gave orders as 46,890,000 feet, shipments 33,245,W feet, and production 30,886,000 feet. Or_ ders on hand at the end of the week totaled 147,3g3.000 feet.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended June 14, 95 mills reporting, gave orders as 97,646,ffiO feet, shipments 82,568,000 feet, and production 94,438,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 409,218,000 feet.

Lumber cargo receipts at Los Angeles Harbor for the week ended Jane 2l totaled 22,810,W feet as compared with 20,915,000 feet the previous week.

The 37-day loggers' strike of the CIO International Woodw'orkers of America which closed over 50 logging camps, a number of sawmills, shingle and plywood plants in Western Washington, ended over the week-end of June 14 when the members voted to accept the Defense Mediation Board proposal and return to work.

Lumber deliveries by water to California ports for May reached a total of. 1ffi,756,400 feet, according to reports of 16 companies to the Pacific Lumber Carriers' Association, San Francisco.

Deliveries in May, 1940, totaled 102,050,80O feet. Distribution was as follorvs: San Francisco .... 22,126,76 Los Angeles Harbor ... 62,782,1N San Diego . 15,847,6N

Total . .1m,756,400

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