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WINDOW FRAME K.D. Two bundles

DII. WIIIDOW *Prefit" Glcrzed with SSB Glcss.

SCREEN "Prefit" Outside lull wired l6-nesh gclv.

*SASH BALANCES I set "Unique" qpe

HOOKS d IIANGERS lor screea tsingle instqllcrtions sizes up lo 3'0" x 5'1" all others double.

This convenient cnd lcbor scrving unit meets cll requirenents lor 2x4 stud wqll. Frqme construction cpproved by FJI.A.



Truck deliveries cover Soulhern Cclilornicr lron Los Angeles Wholescle Wcrrehouse.


IN LOS ANGELES Wholegcle Wcrrehouge Service. L.C.L. truck shipments.

lN SAN FRANCISCO, OAKI.AND crnd LOS ANGELES resiontrl Scrleg Offices gerve Pqul Buaycrn'a cualomera.





Weglerrr Pccific Bldg.


Firraaciql Cenler Euilding

702 E. Slcuson f,ve. sAN FnANCTSCO MoncdaocL Elfu.

In Charge o( Fir-Tex Coralite Diyigion

Hal W. Coops is now with FirTex of Southern California in charge of their Fir-Tex Coralite Division and handling the sales for Southern California and Arizona. The FirTex Coralite factory is in Pasadena. He makes his headquarters at the company's Los Angeles office.

He is'widely known in Southern California where he was associated with the retail lumber business for many years, and formerly was with the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. as manager of retail yards. Prior to that he managed the Ventura yard for Citizens Mill & Lumber Co., Long Beach and Compton yards for San Pedro Lumber Co., and Baldwin Park yard for Viniy-Milliken Lumber Co.

Hal is a graduate of the Alhambra High School and attended the University of California at Los Angeles.

FHA Totafs 54,750,000 in Week

With a volume in excess of $4,750,000 for one week, the Southern California district office of the Federal Housing Adrninistration accepted more than 1200 small home mortgages for appraisal during the week ended June 13, Wilson G. Bingham, Southern California district director, announced.

"This all-time high was made possible through the addition of Title 6, the new defense housing insurance bill to the National Housing Act," said Mr. Bingham, "so that the F. H. A. could co-operate with builders in meeting the demands for additional housing needed in defense areas."

Out of the total of. l2ll applications represented by mortgages valued at $4,796,3ffi, applications for the insurance of 536 loans amounting to $1,806,950 came within the Title 6 provision; 662 cases for $2,956,850 were under Title 2, and the remaining 13 for $32,500 under Title 1 of the National Housing Act.

With the exception of. 42 cases, all mortgages called for the construction of new homes under F. H. A. inspection.

Items of Interest

Larry King, former manager, and Sid Marshall, former assistant manager, of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Company's yard, Bakersfield, have opened a retail lumber yard at 1411 L Street in that city. They will operate under the name of King-Marshall Lumber Co. The yard will cover one block in area.

The J. D. Halstead Lumber Co. yard at Glendale, Ariz., was reopened recently under a new business set-up after being closed for sixty days. J. D. Lynch is managing the business, and is assisted by Arthur A. Little. The yard was established there twenty-two years ago and had been in continuous operation until it was recently closed for a short period. For the past eighteen years the concern has been managed by Mr. Lynch.

Wm. Chatham, Jr. has been appointed manager of Loop Lumber & Mill Company, Alameda, succeeding Clement Fraser who recently resigned.

J. D. Maclean of the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis., was a speaker at the recent convention of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, held at the Palace Hotel. San Francisco.

D. D. McCallum, D. D. McCallum Sash & Door Co., Los Angeles, and Mrs. McCallum, spent their vacation in the Northwest. They attended the commencement exercises at the University of Washington in Seattle where Mr. McCallum's nephew was graduated, and also visited Vancouver, B. C. for a few days.

Stuart Smith, Fountain-Smith, Los Angeles, will leave on July 2 f.or a month's vacation in the Northwest. He plans to cruise along the coast with friends and do some fishing.

Brian Bonnington, son of G. J. (Jerry) Bonnington of Lamon-Bonnington Co., San Francisco, recently obtained his pilot's license on completion of the flying course of the Civil Aeronautics Administration. He is a student at San Francisco ljniversitv.

Double-Checked Floor Plans for Low-Cost Farm and Village Homes

Washington, June 21.-A vast market for small home construction is lying fallow in the rural areas' Many "stock" plan services concentrate on urban homes, and few ready-prepared designs take into account the special problems and requirements of the farm or village family'

Recognizing the existence of this fertile field, virtually untapped by the home building industry, the National Homes Foundation has performed a great service to the industry and the rural public by preparing a series of eight attractive, inexpensive home designs in which the needs oi country folk have been the first consideration. Five building materials industries, including lumber, have supported this effort by contributing perspectives of the eight basic plans, executed in their respective materials. All these have been assembled into a book just published by the Foundation.

Lumber is the first industry to publish its own conception of the eight designs, plus three variations, in a separate booklet-Double-Checked Floor Plans for Low-Cost Farm and Village Homes. Single copies may be procured free from the association's office at 1337 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C', and lumber dealers may purchase quantities for remailing at 3c per copy. Working drarvings and specifications are furnished by the National Plan Service, 1315 West Congress Street, Chicago.

Included in the booklet is a chart of the Government agencies concerned with housing, with a brief description of the type of aid each offers, where and how to obtain it.

Heads Santa Monica Lions Club

Ernest L. Thomas, Dudley-Thomas Lumber Company, Santa Monica, has been elected president of the Santa Monica Lions Club for the ensuing year'


Booth-Kelly Douglar Fir, thc Aclociation gradc and trade mark certify to your cuetomcrr the quality of tho etock you handlc. Builderr quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy whcrc thcy know what they're getting.



Genenl Salec Oftcc: Eugene, Ore.

Millr: Wcndling, Ore., Springfield' Orc.

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