2 minute read

New Booklsf---Baxco CZC Lumber

An attractive nerv booklet describing the many uses of Baxco CZC pressure treated lumber has recently been issued by J. H. Baxter & Co. and is now being distributed to architects, engineers, contractors, and retail lumber dealers throughout California.

The plastic bound three-color brochure contains 48 pages and more than 75 illustrations and is a complete handbook on chromated zinc chloride salt preserved wood. Beginning with the history of this preservative, rvhich dates back more than 100 years, the subjects covered include the chemical composition of. CZC, the value of. CZC in protecting wood against termite attack, fungus and fire, and how CZC is introduced into lumber by the vacuum-pressure process.

In the central section of the booklet the complete treating facilities, stocks and services available at both the Alameda and the Long Beach, California, plants of the company are fully described.

"Advantages of Baxco CZC" Quality Marked preserved wood are next discussed under the headings: clean, paintable, odorless, stainless, non hazardous to health, non injurious to metal fastenings, readily fabricated, structural strength retained, economical and permanent. "CZC on the job" is featured in the concluding 16 pages with illustrations showing actual use of this treated product in buildings, residences, g'overnment work, airplane hangars, reser-

Lumber Yard Store Completed

The new store and office building of the Pacific Beach I,umber Co. at Pacific Beach, has been completed. It is of modern architecture. A large warehouse has also been constructed. Hubert H. Hawkins is manager of the yard.

voir roofs, stadiums, sand and gravel bunkers, mines, railroads, bridges, farm structures, piers, wharves, highway guardrails, billboards, beach houses, board walks and fences.

This exceptionally complete catalog was prepared by J. C. McCune of their Los Angeles office to particularly meet the need for data on pressure treated lumber as applicable to California construction. The ultra-modern style of the booklet was developed by the advertising firm of Ellsrvorth A. Sylvester and it was printed by Times-Mirror Co.

Copies may be obtained by writing to either the San Francisco or Los Angeles offices of J. H. Baxter & Co.


Robert Zamwalt, Benson Lumber Company, showed the new Weyerhaeuser motion picture in technicolor, "Trees and Homes," bef'ore the San Diego Industries, fnc., at its June dinner meeting.


Frank Burnaby, Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills, and Mrs. Burnaby, have left for Seattle, Wash. for a month's vacation.

Louis Jennings, Jennings Lumber Company, Safford, Arizona, spent several days in Los Angeles. He took in the Lumbermen's HiJinks the evening of June 20.

Mary Stewart, Clark & Wilson Lumber Co., Los Angeles, spent her vacation in the Northwest. She also visited the company's general offices. and mill operations in Portland.

Charlie Mason, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, is back from his vacation trip in the East where he picked up a new Pontiac automobile and drove back to the Coast.

Ray Julian, E.K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, visited San Francisco and Reno during his vacation.

D. R. Philips, Lawrence-Philips geles, Mrs. Philips, and daughter, a week at Lake Arrowhead.

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