7 minute read
Southern Cafifornia Home Show
From every aspect, the exhibit of the Los Angeles retail lumber dealers in the fourth annual Southern California Home Show at the Pan Pacific Auditorium, from June 6 to 15, was one of the most successful in which the dealers ever engaged.
Of the hundreds of exhibits in the exposition, the lumber dealers' display vied in interest with the beautiful gardens which were part of the Flower Show arranged by the Southern California Horticultural Institute, in association with the Building Contractors Association, sponsors of the Home Show.
The public's craving for knowledge oI. various types of wood used in home construction was evidenced by the steady stream of visitors to the lumber dealers, booth, rvhich covered 130O square feet.
Joint operation of the booth worked out without a hitch. Salesmen frorn the eleven dealers who participated in the exhibit took turns manning it, and sales interest ran high throughout the ten days of the show.
Joining in purchasing of the space and operation of the booth were: Consolidated Lumber Co., C. Ganahl Lumber Co., Hammond Lumber Co., Kirckhoff Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co., Lounsberry & Harris., Owens park Lumber Co., Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., San Pedro Lumber Co., Sun Lumber Co., E. K. Wood Lumber Co., and Woodhead Lumber Co.
Materials with which the booth rvas furnished were supplied by West Coast Lumbermen's Association, California Redu'ood Association, 'Western Pine Association, E. J. Stanton and Sons, Tropical Hardwood Company, San pedro Lumber Co., American Lumber and Treating Co., and the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau.
From the standpoint of the public, interest lvas centered on the large variety of lumber products exhibited. As an educational exhibit, it had outstanding results. The princi- pal question asked was how one could tell the better types of lumber, which showed the manifest desire of prospective home builders to obtain the best in rvood for their dwellings.
An idea of how varied was the display of the lumber dealers is found in the following breakdown of the materials shown by the various participants:
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association's display was distinctive and drew widespread interest of visitors. They exhibited Douglas fir flooring, Douglas fir pie cuts, precut framing, West Coast hemlock, standard pattern details, and detailed patterns of siding and moulding.
From the California Redtvood Association came Redwood l\fonterey shakes and shingles, 1 x 12 rustic siding, 1 x 10 V rustic siding, and a complete line of all Redwood byproducts, including Palco wool.
Western Pine furnished Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, and sidings-plain and painted.
E. J. Stanton & Son supplied Philwall, Philippine I\{ahogany, flooring in clear Red Oak, select White Oak, select quartered Red Oak, No. 1 common Recl Oak, Oak plank flooring, and aromatic Cedar.
Tropical Hardrvood Co. entered u'oocls fronr all over the globe, with pieces from Europe, the British lsles, Africa, Australia, South America, China, the Philippines, and the South Seas.
Roll-O-Seal n'indorvs were the contribution of the San Pedro Lumber Company, rvhile an interesting exhibit was placed by the American Lumber ancl Treating Company. The Red Cedar Shingle Bureau shorved Red Cedar Certigrade side walls, shingles, ancl Knotty Cedar panels.
Among the other firms having exhibits were: American Lumber & Treating Co., J. H. Baxter & Co., CadwalladerGibson Co., I'nc., Duplex Incorporated, A. J. Koll planing Mill Ltd., Long-Bell Lumber Co., and West Coast Screen Co.
Exhibits: Lelt-Western Pine Asgocicttion; Center-Red Cedar Shingle Burecu; Right-Weet Cocst Lumbermen,s Associqtion.
Forest Service Contracts Three Airplanes Dolbeer & CarsonLumber Co. Moveg For F:re Control to New Offices
San Francisco, June l5.-Three airplanes have been placed under contract to the U. S. Forest Service for use in aerial fire control throughout the 18 national forests of California and southwestern Nevada.
Regional Forester S. B. Show announced that successful bidders whose contracts have been approved by the Secretary of Agriculture are Willows Flying Service, Willows, California; M. V. Gustavson, Oakland, and the Schneider Aero Service, operating from Chandler Field, Fresno.
The aerial contracts call for rental of the three planes to the Forest Service on an hourly basis during the forest fire season, June I to November 15.
At Willows a six-place cabin plane will readiness for dropping fire line supplies transporting key personnel to large fires, naissance work over fires.
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company, San Francisco, recently moved into new and larger quarters at suite 1118 Merchants Exchange Building.
Visitors to these offices will be interested in the decoration of the walls of the private office of Henry M. Hink, vice-president and general manager. This office is finished with l2-inch Redwood panels with connecting battens. Both panels and battens are from regular stock, the pattern numbers being 5D and 5294, respectively. Redwood slats are used for the Venetian blinds.
It is interesting to note that Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company moved into the Merchants Exchange Building in April 1907, when the building was rehabilitated follow- be in constant ing the great fire of 1906. by parachute, In this connection it is also interesting to record that and ior recon- this is Mr. Hink's 32nd year with the company.
The four-place planes at both Fresno and Oakland will be used for reconnaissance flying and transporting officer personnel.
Forest fire fighting officials at regional headquarters said that the three contract airplanes would care for immediate needs during any period of emergency fire conditions.
However, if severe and prolonged fires break out, at least a score of private and commercial airplanes will be available to the Forest Service for emergency use.
After Twenty Years Finds Same Fellow Workers
Bob Elledge, member of one of the pioneer families in Honey Lake Valley and an employee of The Red River Lumber Company at Westwood twenty years ago, has returned to his old job as millwright in the plant. After those twenty years, he finds the same old boss, Bud Morrison, and three of his former fellow employees still on the job: Chas. Yory, Phil McCutcheon and Bill Klotz.
Changed His Rating
The following business letter was received by a certain wholesale concern which had written an overdue account in firm, but courteous language, demanding payment:
Gentlemen: This acknowledges.receipt of your very kindly and courteous favor of the l7th, in which you requested payment of your account. Beg to advise that we have listed our creditors into three groups, as follows:
Ed Silva, manager of the Dos Palos branch of the Lumber & Supply Company, resigned his position on June 15. He had been rvith the company since 1936, coming to Dos Palos as manager {rom their Firebaugh yard. He has been succeeded by John Landram who has been employed in their Los Banos office.
Group l. Those who will be paid as soon as possible.
Group 2. Those who may be paid at some later date.
Group 3. Those who will never be paid under any circumstances.
Because of the very kindly character of your dunning letter we beg to state that we have changed your grouping, efrective this date, from Group 3 to Group 2.
Open For Business
Glick Brothers Lumber Co. have opened their new lumber yard and store at Victory and Burbank Boulevards in Burbank. The plant has a l0o-foot frontage on Victory Boulevard. The company has been in business in Los Angeles for the past twenty-two years, and this is the fourth store they have opened in Southern California.
Full Speed Ahead for National Defense
. Production ol our huga nillr ct Toledo, Oregon, is gecred up to the lcsl notch lo neet lhe enornous demqtedr ol Nqtioaal Delense clrd regulqr tlcde requirenentrl o An crll-tine higb ot 18,750,000 bocrd leet in ordera trnd abipnents wss reached in lurrel oicn: Pottdrum Bulldlnc, 714 OlynDlo Bfllrnt{ Phonr PB 1166
Sance /9/2
News Flagheg
Forrest K. Peil, salesman for Hammond Redwood Company, San Francisco, recently attended the graduation of his daughter at lJniversity of Oregon, Eugene.
John Nelvlin of the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis., is spending several rveeks in San Francisco in connection with a timber testing program on Treasure Island.
Howard J. Abbott, mill sales representative, IJnion Lumber Co., Fort Bragg, Calif., recently spent several days at the head office in San Francisco.
H. R. Crane, general manager of Crane Mills, Bly, Oregon, was in San Francisco on business around the middle of June.
Geo. R. Kendrick, manager of the California lumber sales division of Pope & Talbot, Inc. has returned from spending two weeks in the Pacific Northwest, where he visited the company's mills and offices.
Ross Kinney, formerly Oakland, as salesman, is Co., Alameda.
Ray Shannon, manager Union Lumber'Co., was a cisco office.
with E. K. Wood Lumber Co., now with Loop Lumber & Mill of the Los Angeles office of recent visitor at the San Fran- lumberman. was a Los of June. He and D. R. some fishing at Laguna
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Blinn of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, stopped at Scotia on their way to Eureka to attend the wedding of Mrs. Blinn's cousin, Miss Gladys Kaull rvho married George N. Gregersen of the Holmes Eureka Lumber Company, Eureka, on June r4.
A. E. Ferguson, American Lumber & Treating Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a business trip to the company's head office in Chicago.
Hawk Huey, Phoenix, Arizona, Angeles visitor around the middle Philips Jr. took time out to do Beach.
Bob Parker, Pacific Lumber Carriers' Association, San Francisco, spent a few days in Los Angeles last week calling on the Association's members.
George C. Cornitius, George C. Cornitius Hardwood Co., San Francisco and Mrs. Cornitius. were recent Los Angeles visitors.
J. E. Mackie, National tion, San Francisco, was sociation business.
Lumber Manufacturers Associain Los Angeles last week on As-
) ru.ao is chosen for a high percentsge of new homes in communities where good stucco has been used, and where contractors are really out selling. Nothing helps like taking folks around to see the good stucco values others have received for their money.
A lew qwlity questioru
These days smart contractors seem bent on getting the highest quality stucco work ever. Inspection shows some mighty fine jobs. It is just I matter of keeping in mind such questions as . . . Is the structure rigid and well-framed? . ' Base O.K.?Flashing and other protective structural details properly designed? . . Is Portltnd Cement or Wcterprooled Portlcmd Cement used for all coats? Are approved methods of mixing, apPlying and curing stucco being rigidly followed?
Our free "Plasterer's Manual" covers specifica' tions and approved methods. Write for your copy.