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Manager Available
Now employed as Architectural Examiner for FHA. Over twent5r years' experience as retail yard manager and executive work. My references will say "O.K." and I'll show you. Want good position but not a five figure salary. Address Box C-887, California Lumber Merchant.
Burroughs Machine Bookkeeper for yard in a smdl Northern California city. Steady job. Address Box C-894 California Lumber Merchant.
Thoroughly Trained Lumberman
Wants a job that will utilize his versatility and broad knowledge, accumulated over decades. Recent Pine mill, wholesale and retail experience. A valuable helper to an overburdened executive. Able to take full charge. Very modest salary expected. Address Box C-897-California Lumber Merchant.
Thoroughly experienced from stump to consutner, including sales, costs, balance sheets, accounting in every detail, retail or wholesale. Also licensed building contractor. Best references. Bond if necessary. Free to go anywhere. Married, no children. Non-drink' er. Address Box C-899, California Lumber Merchant.
The Southern California Wholesale Lumber Association will furnish weekly statistical sheets to anyone desirous of obtaining them, at reasonable compensation.
Write or call this office, 714 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, Rlchmond 0251.
The West Side Lumber Company's lumberjack team won the state title for the tug-of-war championship at the seventh annual Tuolumne City Jubilee on June 8. Coached by Walter Duncan, the team pulled the Yosemite Club of Stockton over the cleats in 9 minutes, 40 seconds for the championship. The average weight of the lumberjacks was 195/z pounds and the Yosemite Club averaged 2l2l pounds per man.
Competent Lumberman
For wholesale or retail sales. Have managed good sized retail yard, audited line yards, familiar with retail set-up. Have had long experience selling wholesale Pine, F'ir, Redwood, six years in Los Angeles. Now employed outside Los Angeles but desire to make a change. Address Box C-891 California Lumber Merchant.
Plant For Sale
Complete millwork plant for sale in rapidly growing Redwood Empire. Established by present owner since 1895. Price reasonable-terms reasonable. Down payment of inventory all that is required. Balance $200 per month for 95 months, intetest 4/o, payable monthly. Address Box C-896California Lumber Merchant.
Retait yard fully equipped. Very stable community. Steady growth. Plenty of assets. Small down payment. Full particulars to responsible party. This is worth investigating. Address Box C-898 California Lumber Merchant.
Southern California Lumber Yard For Sale
20 miles from Los Angeles. Good living conditions. Thirty-five years under one owner. Will lease ground (two acres) and buildings for any desired term, for $1@ monthly plus taxes. Inventory $10,000. See Twohy Lumber Co., Lurnber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Bill Davidson, who conducts the "Brain Battle" program on the radio, put on a quiz program as the principal entertainment item at the last dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Monday evening, June 9.
Tom Branson, president of the club, presided.
R. O. Wilson, veteran wholesale lumberman, received congratulations on the occasion of his 73rd birthday. The next meeting of the club will be held in September.