1 minute read



A Profitable ftern for the Dealer

It will pqy you to displcy this Eubqnk ironing bocrrd, with its pctented swivel, iron receptccle, cnd qll moving parts in metcl, not in wood.

Sell lumber thct yiel& d ptolit cstd lcsting Bdtisldction, CZC, ihe protecled lunber, is clecr, odorless md pointoble. It is temite csrd decdy resist@t od lire retarding-. You can sell it lor F.H,A., U. S. Goveroent, Los Anseles C.fte ctnd CouDW cnd Urtilom Building Code lobg. CZC trecr6d lumber il slocled Io1 iPmedidle shiplo€nt in coEnercidl 8iz€8 dt l.ong Baqch od Almedcr. Ask about our exchage service crad raill shipneal plor.

Gdllmb SJG lrrb. UEST-G0AST W00D PRESERYII{G G0.. Sutth 601 W. Filth St., Lor Aasclcr, Cclil., Phorc Mchlscr 6191 33ll Moatgoncry Sf., So Frcacirco, Ccl- Pholo DOuilcr 388t

Sold through declers only.

EIIBAI|K & Soil, ItG. 433 W. Redondo 8lvd. Ingle*ood, Cclif. ORegon 8-1666

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