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Ne* Ceifing Prices for Dougfas Fir and Other West Coast Lumber
Revised Price Schedule No. 26 f.or Douglas Fir and other West Coast lumber was issued by the Office of price Administration on June 16 and became effective on June D, 1942.
___$ 1381.51 Maximum prices for Douglas fir and other West Coast lumber. On ind after June b, lg4Z, regardless 9f -1"y contract or other obligatiori, no person ihalf selt or deliver any Douglas fir or olher West Coast lumber for domestic or export use, and no person shall buy or receive in the course of trade or business any Douglas-fir or other West Coast lumber: in building, construction, remodeling, repair, maintenance, or fabrication, and must not be'a sali'fof resale in substantially the same form.
. (ii) Where a shipment is by rail it must be a sale in less than- carload quantity. Where shipment is by water or by truck it must be a sale of not mort than IS,600 feet boarh mea.sure.. For_ the purpose of this subparagraph the size of the sale is determined by th.e size of-the -order, and the size of the order is determined'by the over-all quantity involved in a single transaction.
(a) At _prices -higher than the maximum prices set forth in Appendix Aj $ 1381.62, where the shipment originates at a milr, or rn a torelgTl country.
(b) At .pric,es hig,her than the maximum prices set forth in Appendix A, $ 1381.62, plus 93.50 per thouiand feet board measure, where a shipment originating at a mill satisfies all of the tests of a "direct-mill retail sile,, as set forth in $ 1381.s8 (a) (8).
.(iii) ft-must be acco-mpanied by all the following ser- vices; delivery to the job site, when so ordered bv thE purchaser, and in such quantities and at such times js the bur_ chas.er specifies; tallying and checking at destination;^the privilege of exchanging goods and retrirning unused -"t"r- ral; and the readiness and ability of the seller immediately to replace deficiencies and adjust complaints from stocks kept on hand for the purpose.
(c] et plige_s higher than the maximum prices established by General Maximum Price Regulation,s'where the shioment originates at a distribution yard, whether wholesale or retail.
(d)-ryo person-shall offer, agree, solicit, or attempt to do any of the foregoing.
_ $ 1381.62 Appendix. A: Maximum prices for Douglas fir and other West Coast lumber where siripment originites at a mill. .-(a) The maximum prices for Douglas nr iumte, f.. 9, b. mill per one thousand feet board rieasure where shipment originates at the mill, shall be as follows:
(e)-T_he__provisions of this Maximum price Regulation No. 26 shall not be app-licable to sales or deliverie, oT Doug- las fir or other Wesi Coast lumber to a purchaser, if priJr to June D,1942, such lumber had been reciived bv a cairier. other than a carrier owned or controlled by the seller for shipment to such purchaser.
- $ 1381.58 Definitions. (a) This Maximum price Resu- lation No. 26, and the terms'appearing therein, unless ?he context otherwise requires, shall be construed as follows:
(2) "Douslas fir and other West Coast lumber', means D.ouglas_fir (Pseudotsuga Taxifolia), West Coast hemlock (Tsuga Heterophylla an-d Tsuga l\fertensiana) and all spe- cies of true fir (Abies) lumbeiproduced in mills located in those parts of Oregon and Wjshington lying west of thc crest of the Cascade Mountains, and in Del\orte. Humboldt, Mendocino and Sonoma counties in California, and in Canada.
(4) "Distribution yard" means a yard whether wholesale or retail, which purchases or receives Douglas fir or other West Coast lumber for purposes of putting-it in stock and re.selling, which regularly maintains -a stock of lumber, and which processes into lumber, by sawing or planing. less than- 50 p_er cent of the volume bf such 'logs or lumBer so purchased or received by it.
(5) A shipment is deemed to "originate at a mill', when the lumber reaches the p-urchaser -without having been stored as an integral part oJ the yard stock of a distribution yard as herein defined.
(6) A shipment is deemed to ,,originate at a distribution ygrd:,'.whether wholesale or retail, when, and only when, the shipment is made out of a stock of lumber which was an integral part of the seller's stock ai the time the sale was made.
.(8) "Direct-mill retail sale." for the purpose of determining whe-ther the 93.50 mark-up provided i; g 13S1.51 (b) may be added, means a sale in -which the shipment orig- inates at a mill, and which satisfies all of the followine testi:
(i) It nust be a sale to a consumer or contractor for use or RO-DRY B. Bct.
Ship plank, Par. No, ?f7. same as B and Bet. Tank and Dor stck,- B. Bet. add $4.@ per l1[ to B. Bet,, same size. .For Ureen deduct 910.00 per M corresponding sizc and graile, For T & G same is S4S-in 1/ in thiiker aa-a Sa.m.tor-rabbetted jamb, sills, nosing, etc,, aaa W,OOi if quantity less than A)00 fr. add $3.0 set up charge,
The California Lumber Merchant
For Sel. Mer. add $3.00, Sel. Str. $5.00 to No. 1 Qom. For No.2 Green. deduct $2.00 from No. I Com' Gieen. For No. 3 Green, dcduct h3 to A<8,$8.00,2x10-2x12,$9.00 from No' 1 Green. For No. 2 Dry, deduct ates at a mill, shall be as follows:
(1) For inch common boards: same as Douglas fir.
(2) For all other items: deduct $1.0O from corresponding Douglas fir prices.
(c) For mixed car, mixed cargo, or mixed truck shipments $2.00 additional per 1,000 feet board measure may be charged. A mixed car or mixed cargo shipment consists of four or more items as hereinafter defined of at least 1,00O board feet each. A mixed truck shipment consists of four or more items of at least 250 feet each. For the purpose of this definition the following classifications of lumber of any different species shall constitute an item:
(1) Boards, shiplap or strips, (2) Dimension, (3) Planks and_small timbers, not exceeding 4" in thickness, (4) Large timbers-,- exceeding 4' in thickness, (5) flooring, (6) siding, (7) ceiling or partition, (8) finish, (9) rough- clears, (10) stepping, (11) mouldings, (12) silo stock, (13) gutter, (14) corn cribbing, (15) lath, (16) casing and base.
.The Revised Price Schedule also has provisions on records and reports, enforcement, evasion, petition for amendment, less than maximum prices, condilional agreements, and sales for export.
Bob Osgood Will Operate Under Own Name
Maximum prices for several other items, in addition to the above, are listed in the Revised Price Schedule. General Notes. (Applies to entire appendix).
(7) All grade, size, and paragraph references contained herein refer to the "Standard Grading and Dressing Rules, No. 11," (1942), effective April 1, L942, as published by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association.
(b) The maximum prices for other West Coast lumber (Western hemlock and all species of true fir (Abies)) f.o.b. mill per 1,000 feet board measure, where shipment origin-
Robert S. (Bob) Osgood, sales manager for Frieder Brothers, Lumber Division, Los An$eles, announces that the company has suspended operation of their lumber division for the duration. When the war is over and they can run their Philippine mills again, they will resume operations.
Bob Osgood will continue the office, operating under his own name. He will carry on with the same mill connections established by Frieder Brothers, and he will serve the trade with softwoods, hardwoods, veneers and plywood. The telephone number remains the same, VAndike 8033.