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Answering the Quesfisp--\Vhv Advertise Now?
l. The net cost ol your advertising todcry is lower thcrn ever belore.
2. Advertisinq can keep you foom being lorgotten, crnd misunderstood.
3. Self-preservqtion demands c continucl olfensive on the business lront lor cny business thcrt hopes to be here when the war ends.
4. Advertising can insure trcde ncme, good will, cmd customer understqnding cgcinst the time when normql business conditions return.
5. Advertising c<rn tell crn institutional story, il your product is not qvqilcrble.
6. Advertising can explcin WHY your products cre not cvcilcrble.
7. Advertisingrcan pinch hit lor scrlesmen who are uncble to mcrke their regulcr ccrlls.
8. AdvertisineJ ccn keep you in lriendly touch cnd contcrct with your trcde during extrcordincry times and situcrtions.
9. Advertising can assist in lifting morcrle to cr higher level-and keeping it there.
10. Advertising ccn keep the news cnd lccts crbout chcnging conditions llowing stecdily to your customers during times when normcrl relations ccrnnot prevcil.
ll. Advertising is q verscrtile wecpon. It irs no respecter of times, conditions, persons, plcces, or'things. It cqn cccomplish mcny uselul things besides inviting the immedicrte sqle oI goods. It works in good times qnd bad,. in lecrn or lqt dcrys,. in Iecrsts or lcrmines; il intelligently and thoughtluily employed. And the returns will be in direct ratio to the honest-to-God eIIort that is put behind it.
Official Interpretation Clarifies Some Points in Building Restriction Order
The following official interpretation is hereby issued by the Director of Industry Operations rvith respect to Section No. 1071.1, Conservation Order No. L-41:
(a) The term "construction" in paragraph (a) (2) does not include the excavation or other movement of earth where no material except earth or other unprocessed material is to be incorporated.
(b) In connection with paragraphs (a) (3), (a) (4) and (a) (5), where part of a building, structure, or project falls within one class under said order and other parts within another or other classes, the predominant designed use shall determine classification of the whole construction.
(c) In connection rvith paragraphs (a) (4) and (") (5), ' a structure to be used primarily for the storage of farm products which are produced by a person other than the proprietor of such structure shall be interpreted to be "other restricted construction".
(d) The cost of construction, as defined in paragraph (a) (7), shall include the cost of an article, chattel or fixture if such article, chattel or fixture is to be
(a) Physically incorporated in and used as part of the construction; or
(b) So substantially afifixed to the construction that it may not be detached without materially injuring it or the construction.
(e) The cost of construction, as defined in paragraph (a) (7), shall include neither '
(a) The value of used material, including equipment, , which has been severed from a building, structure or project and is to be used in the construction, without change in ownership; nor
(b) The estimated cost of labor in incorporating such material.
(f) The term "without change of design" in paragraph (r) (9), is interpreted to permit change in material or type of equipment if the architectural or structural plan is not substantially altered in efiecting such change.
(g) I" determining whether the estimated cost of a particuar building, structure or project exceeds the cost limits permitted under paragraphs (b) (4) (i), (b)
'DUROID' Elecho Galvanized
(5) and (b) (6) over any continuous twelve month period, the cost of any construction thereon during said period authorized under the provisions of paragraph (b) (7) shall not be included.
Issued this 6th day of June,1942.
J. S. Knowlson, Director of Industry Operations
John G. Ziel, for many years a lumber importer and exporter in San Francisco, has closed his office and is now a Lieutenant in the Navv.
Clem Fraser, well known East Bay lumberman, is now associated with Hogan Lumber Company, Oakland.