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Mill Price Ceiling---fled Cedar Shingles
Maximum prices for Red Cedar shingles, which represent about 95 pei cent of all wood shingles produced in the United States, were issued under Maximum Price Regulation 164 on June 16 by the Office of Price Administration. The regulation becomes effective June D,1942.
$ 1381.4 Evasion. (a) The price limitations set forth in this Maximum Price Regulation No. 154 shall not be evaded, whether by direct or indirect methods, in co:rnection with an offer, solicitation, agreement, sale, delivery, purchase or receipt of or relating to red cedar shingles, alone or in conjunction with any other commodity or by way of commission, service, transportation, or other charge, or discount, premium, or other privilege, or by tying agreement or other trade understanding, or otherwise.
(b) Specifically, but not exclusively, the following practices are prohibited:
(1) decreasing the percentage of cash discount below that granted by the seller in October, 194I, or shortening the cash discount period or the credit period granted by the seller in October, 1941, (2) making any charge for extension of credit if no separate charge for such credit was made by the seller in October, 1941, or increasing the charges for extension of credit in effect in October, 1941,
(3) unnecessarily routing red cedar shingles through a distribution yard, (4) falsely or wrongly grading or invoicing red cedar shingles, (5) refusing to sell except on a delivered basis, and (5) quoting a flat price on items covered by this Maximum Price Regulation No. 164, and items not covered by any price schedule or regulation or the General Maximum Price Regulation.
$ 1381.5 Records and reports. (a) On and after J:une 29, t942, every person, who, during any calendar month offers or agrees to sell, sells, or delivers, or offers or agrees to buy, buys, or receives a total of 250 squares or more of red cedar shingles in the course of trade or business, where the shipment originates at the mill, shall keep for inspection by the Office of Price Administration for a period of not less than two years, a complete and accurate record of every such offer, agreement, purchase, sale or delivery, showing the date thereof, the name and address of the buyer and the seller, the price paid or received, and the quantity of each kind or grade purchased or sold. Enforcement. The usual penalties under the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 will apply.
Applicability. This ceiling supersedes the General Maximum Price Regulations.
S 1381.11 Appendix A: Maximum prices for red cedar shingles. (a) The Maximum prices f.o.b. mill per square, green or dry, in mixed or straight load shipments, shall be.
Length and thickness Width le' 5/2 (XXXXX). .Random a,
18' 5/2-I/4 (Perfec- tions) .Random
5" ot 6"
18" 5/2 (Eurekas). .. ..Random
24" 4/2 (Royals) ..Random
(b) A delivered price in excess of the maximum f.o.b. mill prices set forth in paragraph (a), of this section may be charged consisting of such maximum prices plus actual transportation costs to the extent that such costs are paid by the seller: Provided, That the f.o.b. mill price and the amount added for transportation (whether based on actual or estimated weights) are set forth as separate charges on the invoice. Where shipment is by motor vehicle, owned or controlled by the seller, the transportation charge may not exceed the actual expense to the seller of such delivery. Where the shipment is by common or contract carrier, such charge may not exceed the amount actually paid by the seller to such carrier. However, it shall not be deemed a violation of this section to:
(1) use the following estimated weights in computing transportation costs even though they prove to be greater than the actual weights'
Estimated Weights
(d) The maximum prices for shipments originating in Canada and delivered in the United States shall be the maximum f.o.b. mill prices set forth in paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section plus the transportation costs provided in paragraph (b) of this section: Provided, That such transportation costs may not exceed the transportation costs which could have been added by the seller had the shipment originated at Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Issued this 16th day of lune 1942.
LEON HIINDERSON. Administrator