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T8irttl[u? Greetings

North Scn lucrn" Nevcrdcr Countl', Calilornicr

Iune 18, 1942

Decr Cclilornic Lumber Merchcmt:

Your birthdcy is iust around the corner crnd I'm remembering. I remember how your advent wcs hcriled by the lumber lrcternity, who now reqlize that ct length there wcrs a voice to delend the interests oI Ccrlilornicr lumbermeru crnd to lurnish them in compcct crnd cgreecrble lonn with the inlonncrtion they needed for the conduct of their dcily crffcirs.

I remember with whct delight we hailed your first visit to our own home, how ecgerly therecrlter we cwqiied the regulcr visits cnd lound in you cr source of inlormction" entertcrinrnent crnd inspircrtion

The number ol your visits grew lrom month to monih qnd then from yecrr to yecr, until the printed evidences oI those visits piled up ct the end ol my desk curd in time, crlmost reached the top. Then ccrme the llood wcrters ol the $rnericcrn river, to becrr those precious copies crwcy on its turbid tide crnd fill .rrry mind with c sense ol loss cmd righteous indigmction crll crt the same time.

You will be telling the number oI your yecrs. I won't. No womcrn should pver cdmit thct she ccn remember thcrt fcrr bcck' but through cll those yecrs .you hcrve added to our plecrsure csrd to the growth cnd lurnishings of our .clleged minds. Your coming is still cs ecrgerly cnticipcted crs in the dcrys oI ,old, your Fun" Fccts curd Filosophy is iust qs refreshing, your editorials crs ,stirmrlctingr tour inlormctive crticles cs lruly constructive. But, do you knovr 'thc first thing we csk for when you come breezing in, is Icrck Dionne's story. 'They never lail us cnrd we pcss them on to lriends cmd crcqucintqnces until you .cgmo with cr new one.

Mcry cll good things cltend you through the unpredictqble yecrr which 'lies'before you cnd when your next yecrr's birthdcry comes, mcy it smile -up9ng world ct pecce-<r world in which those precepts lor which you slcrnd, 'hcve "become the order ol the dcry, cr world of constructive thought cnrd effort, .c wotld speeding clong thct pcrthwcy which leqds onwcrrd crnd upncnd 'towqrd the gocl of humcnity's desire.

"I'hcrve no gilts to bring you, no trophies to lay ct your leet but be sure I -wish.you well, cnd that to you cnd those who wcrtch over your desiiny I crnr fgllqtg:

Mcry happiness cttend you And crs you onwcrd lqre, Beveal to you the becuty Mcde hrown to those who shqre. And mcy you lind the glory And leel the mcgic spell, When" with the gilt you offer, You give yourselves as well.

'Mcny.returns oI the birthdqy; good luck lor the coming yecrr cnd cI[ those .thgt.gre'toJgllow.


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