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Ehe SDANGLES intheGLUE-LINE idenffi
Lareln Glmr ue lndendflcd by brllliant, 8lculng rpangL. vhlch tf sbw pl,riuly whcn a plywood luel la *lnrated at thc glue-llm. J Plywood is no better than its glue-line. The glue-line is no place to skimp or to save pennies 7 because the Gluc-Lilc it whrt nrlcr or brcaLr plywood. True economy requires the use of glues that will hold fast through stress and strain and wind and weather.
Lauxein Glues are identified because I. F. Laucks, Inc., and the users know that they will meet every test. As the backbone of millions of feet of plywood panels, Lauxein has met the most exacting requirements of the woodworking industries. Made to perform a function' with a definite margin of safety, Lauxein Glues have held fast for the life of the panels in countless uses.
All glue manufactured since June, 1928, bears. the Spanglc identification mark.
Maur&r Edltc
Clrcuhdo M.n,AGr
Adverddng Managcr
Sar'Francbco Covrn Nr6m Calff. ud Peclfic Ncthwcrt