3 minute read
A New Electric Mortiser w
H. L. Ransay
Boring square holes is an operation so common that machines for the purpose have been well known for years. It remained, however, for J. D. Wallace & Co. of Chicago, originators of portable woodworking machinery, to develop a portable hollow chisel mortiser which does the hishest caliber of work on square holes up to %" diameter. portable caliber of highest
Now the shop which has need for such a machine can meet its requirements without the heavy investments inyolved in purchasing a large stationary mortiser, with the added advantage of portability- it can be easily moved about to bring it next to the work in hand.
Simplicity has been secured and efficiency increased by omitting from the Wallace Portable Mortiser all attachments and adjustments not called for in ordinary work. Symmetrical in design, it is perfectly balanced and accurate in every detail. Three easy rolling casters in the round cast iron base make it easy to move.
Mounted on the upp.t carriage is a General Electric vertical motor designed especially to meet the requirements of this machine, to operate at a conbtant speed under the maximum load, and kept cool by a heavy current of air drawn through a screen at the top.
This same air, forced downward by a fan on the armature shaft, cools chisel and bit and blows away chips. The chisel holder is built into the lolver motor end flangi, which com- pletely encloses the bit chuck mounted on the motor shaft. The operating speed is 345O R.P.M., found by experience to be the correct speed for all work falling within the capacity of this machine-square holes of '/+", )/8", and rf" diameter, or round holes up to L7 /32" diameter. The motor is entirely enclosed and dustproof.
One of the most common difficulties which have heretofore attended the use of vertical motors is the tendency of oil from the bearing to seep down into the motor, causing trouble in the armature. This pbssibility is avoided in the Wallace Portable Mortiser through the use of an oil slinger on the armature shaft just below the ball bearing. Oil dripping from the bearing is caught by this slinger and thrown into an annular chamber which conducts it away from the motor.
The motor head is depressed for mortising by means of a conveniently located treadle with an iron stirrup which always hangs vertically, turned outward to accommodate the natural position of the foot. The head may be limited to any desired lower position by a set screlv in the rear of the base, and is automatically carried back to the upper position by an adjustable tension spring.
Vertical and horizontal adjustments of the table arc easily accomplished by conveniently located hand wheels, the table sliding on accurately machined rods. Easy means are provided to maintain correct alignment at all times, and to take up any play which may develop in the slide rod bearings. A steel fence and two hold-down rods are fastened to the rear of the table, with a maximum distance of 3" from center of chisel to fence.
All-in-all, it is a worthy member of the famous Wallace Iine, a product of skilled workmanship and perfect shop equipment. Woodworking shops, cabinet makers, carpenters, and manufacturing plants whose requirements call for a mortiser of Y" capacity will do well to investigate th.e manufacturers' claim that it will save them time, labor, end expense.
(Thc Clatlng ffourc)
This Colutnn of "Wantb" and "Don't'Wants" is for: TheFellow'Who Wants to Buy The Fellow'Who \Mants to Sell
RaCc: t2.50 pcr cofurnn inch
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Get the Facts
Twenty thousand dollars will handle fully equipped modern mill and yard, real estate and building. Best location in Los Angeles. S25,000 monthly going business with twenty years goodwill and built-up organization to be sold at heavy sacrifice. Liquidation of estate.
JEROME HIGMAN, 2831 Expoeition Place, Los Angeles, Calif.
Lumber salesman with experience in California, the Southwest and Middle West wants position as salesman representing wholesaler or mill. Will consider in either of these territories. Knows the manutacturing and selling ends of the industry and formerly represented large manufacturer for several years. Can give good references. Address Box C-206 care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position In Southern California
Lumberman with several years' experience would like to represent a mill, wholesaler or retailer in the Southern California territory. Knows softwoods and hardwoods and tormerly represented large manufacturer. Ready to accept position at once. Can furnish references. Address Box C-205 care California Lumber Merchant.
Nine years' POSITION WANTED _ Nrne years' experience as yard manag'er, General Office Bookeeper, Sales ahd estim4ting. aee lO years, family. C. Age 30 years, For references call San Gabriel Vallev Lumber Co.. Alhani- .FOr rererences calr )an baDflel valley LumDer Lo., nlhambra 901. Address Fred H. Elbie, 1/1 North Willard, San Gabrie.l, Calif.
Exceptional Opportunity For Lumberman
Want an experienced working partner in an established lumber yard with an investment of from $5000 to 910,00. Excellent opportunity for right party in San Joaquin Valley. Only yard in city. Address Box 2O3, care California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
No. 44 Berlin Matcher, 6x24 in. In good condition. Beronio Lumber Co., Powell and Beach Sts., San Francisco. Phone Sutter 725.
Yard Manager Wanted
We want yard manager for branch yaid. Small town San Joaquin Valley. Some knowledge of paint and builders hardware preferred. Give salary expected. Address Box C-208, care Calif. Lumber Merchant.