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Plans and Progress Here and There What Busy California Lumber Folks Are Talking About
S. E. Slade and "Cappy" Slade of the Slade Lumber Company, Los Angeles, have driven to Aberdeen for a vacation. S. n. Staae will be back at his desk by the fifteenth of July, while 'lCappy" will remain in the northwest until the first of August, where he will visit the mills.
Raymond Gray Returns From Eastern Trip
Raymond Gray, Taft Lumber Co'., Taft, has returned from a trip in the East, where he visited Minneapolis and other points in the Middle West and Canada. He returned to the coast by way of the Canadian Rockies.
The Service Room
The modern lumber merchant's service room should be built with three objects in view:
Comfort Beauty Utility
The object of comfort should be attained because it is the first step toward making your customer feel at home. The chairs, tables and generally restful atmosphere of the room will give this feeling.
Beauty is necessary because the customer wants to feel, without being told, that his prospective home will have beauty, and the dealer can attain this object by making the finish of this room of such character that the customer will appreciate and admire them, and perhaps grasp an idea from them.
The woodwork should be the reflection of the actual stock you carry and the finishes that you would suggest. The windows, trim, doors, paneling, walls, every detail should give a suggestion and a promise.
The utility of the service room is in its pictures and suggestions of homes, and the accompanying plans and building ideas.
Then, if the dealer can back up the comfort, and beauty, and utility with actual details and facts and figures, and selling thoughts, the next necessary equipment of the room should beORDER BLANKS.
C. M. Freeland, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and Rex Hall, W. D. Hall, Inc., El Cajon, were recent visitors to the Northwest, where they spent severdl days making a survey of lumber conditions. They visited many of the mills in the Portland and Puget Sound Districts, including the McCormick mills at St. Helens, Port Ludlow and Port Gamble.
Miss Betty Bayliss, capable secretlry of the sales department of the Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Company, Portland, Ore., has recently returned to Portland from a vacation trip to California. She called at the company's San Francisco office on her way south, and visited Los Angeles and Hollywood, and did a lot of sightseeing in Southern California.
Roscoe Price Visiting In Los Angeles
Roscoe Price, Dudfield Lumber'Co., Palo Alto, is spending his vacation in Los Angeles where he is visiting many points of interest in Southern California and calling on some of his lumbermen friends.
Taylor Sublett, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, was a Los Angeles visitor over the Fourth of July holidays where he spent a few days visiting with friends and calling on the lumber trade. Mrs. Sublett accompanied him on the trip.
Lumbermen Visit Arizona and New Mexico
Dr. D. F. Brooks, St. Paul and M. J. Scanlon, Minneapolis, were recent California visitors following a visit of their lumber interests in the Northwest. Lewis 'Weber, manager of the Brooks-Scanlon-O'Brien operations at Vancouver, B. C. and Harry Brooks, manager, S. A. Blakely, logging superintendent and H. A. Miller, Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co., Bend, Oregon, were also members of the party. Following their California visit, they left for Flagstaff and McNary, Arizona, and Albuquerque and Berna' lillo, New Mexico.