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Sales Contest Among Hipolito Salesmen Produces Great Results
During the month of June, just passed, The Hipolito Company of Los Angeles, famous makers and merchandisers of screens, staged a sales contest within the ranks of their own California salesmen that brought them splendid results, and created no end of good natured rivalry and interest in their organization.
They divided their eight California salesmen into two four-man teams, and staged a four weeks' total sales contest. Each day was an inning, and each week was a heat, and they checked up the individual team totals each day and each week, to keep the boys up on their toes and
Several Lumbermen Vacation At Wawona
A number of well known lumbermen and their families are vacationing at Wawona, just outside of the Yosemite, at the present time. A. L. "Gus" I{oover of Los Angeles drove gp with his family on July 13. Roy Hills of the Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco, got there about the same tirne. Bill Woods of Hart-Wood, San Francisco, has been there for some time. Ted Lawrence of Hart-Wood, Los Angeles, has spent a couple of weeks there with his family, and is about due back.
E. V. Peck, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis., was a recent visitor to San Francisco. Mr. Peck has been active in moisture cohtent studies. and will visit some of the Pine mills in the central Sierras.
fighting for results. Only orders signed up and completed were counted. The last week turn.ed out to be a frantic one, the boys combining their territory, elosing up business that might otherwise have been allowed to drag, and the finals were very close together. It made one df the biggest loeal months in Hipolito history, and interested everyone in the organization in the value of friendly competition.
At the f,inish the losing team entertained the winning team, tog'ether with other members of the organization, at an all-day deep sea fishing party, which was attended by about thirtv in all.
Mill Construction Resists Fire
A. C. Horner, manager, and R. W. Smith, field representative of the Western Division of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, recently inspected a warehouse in Stockton which was damaged by an alleged incendiarv fire.
It is -interesting to note that while the contents of the building vrere a total loss, the building itself, which was of semi-mill constructic,n was only sligh.tly damaged, the wood trusses withstanding the intense heat in a remarkable manner.
Winfield Scott, director of public relations for the Western Division of the National Lumber Manufacturersf Association, is on a speaking tour, covering the summer resorts in the high Sierras, in the interests of the California State Parks Council.
Diamond Hardwood Co. of New Yard at Santa Cruz

Los Angeles Leases E. L. H. T. Alzina has organized the Mission Lumber Company, which will operate a new yard at Santa Cruz, with Mr. Alzina as manager.
Bruce Warehouse
Another change of interest has taken place in the hardwood situation in Los Angeles. Arthur Johnson, owner 'of the Diamond Hardwood Company, whose warehouse and huge stock of hardwood flooring was destroyed by fire recentl5r, has leased the warehouse of the E, L. Bruce Company, just across the str'eet from his. A number of the hardwood dealers of Los Angeles have bought the 'present stocks of E. L. Bruce, which concern will discontinue carrying local warehouse stocks.
p ro uty Lu m b e r a"., "litl r?.t;',ff o r e., r e c e n t I y s h i p p e d one of the biggest timbers ever sent out of Oregon, to Detroit, on three flat cars. It was 86 feet long, and 24x24 inches square.
Hugh Alderman, who covers the Sacramento and Sah Joaqtrin Valley territory for The Pacific Lumber Company, has just returned from two weeks' vacation.