5 minute read
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all the beauty and long life of the old hand-split shakes, but are really de-luxe shakes," he says. "They are 24 inches long and are manufactured from the finest vertical grain live cedar, and whether they are used on the side wall or roof they are more permanent than the standard building construction.
"These shakes make it possible to achieve genuinely interesting architectural effects. The strong shadows resulting from the heavy butt lines and the wide exposure are particularly attractive. And in addition it may be said that these shakes furnish splendid insulation against both heat and cold."
Woodland Rotary Club / To See Redwood Movies
Jim Farley, of the sales department of The Pacific Lumber Company, will exhibit the company's film showing the production of Redwood from the tree to the car, to the Woodland Rotary Club, July 17.
Douglas Fir cargo arrivals for. June at San Francisco totaled 62,O57M feet of lumber and 49,864 bundles of box shook.
Redwood cargo arrivals in June were 27,655M feet.
Pacific Coast Show Big Increase in Assets
Assets of the Pacific Coast Building-Loan Association have increased $1,326,197.55, or 46 per cent during the sixmonth period ending June 30, according to an announcement by A. A. Anderson, secretary. This is an increase of 89 per cent since July l, 1927. The association now has total assets of. $4,790,965.67.
A dividend of 8 per cent was declared and paid on the association's membership ,shares. Total dividends and interest paid and credited to members and investors for the past six month period amount to $114,735.82.
According to Anderson, the association has experienced no difficulty in loaning its funds, notwithstanding its remarkable growth. "The loans average less than $2400.00," he said. "Our low cost profit-sharing loan plan based on the old-line building and loan principle of mutuality, is so advantageous for the people of Southern California that we are able at all times to secure good loans. Thus we have not found it necessary to reduce the rate of interest paid to investors as some financial institutions have recently done.
"Pacific Coast Building-Loan association has accumulated more than four millions of assets during the first three years of its corporate existence. This has been done as a single association, without mergers or consolidations of any kind."
No Wonder They Looked
The newly-weds on their honeymoon, had the drawingroom.
The groorn gave the porter a dollar not to tell anyone on the train that they were bride and groom.
When the happy couple went to the diner for breakfast the next morning all the passengers snickered and pointed and eyed the couple knowingly. The groom called the porter and demanded: "Did you tell- anybody on the train we were just married?"
"No, suh," replied the dusky one, "Ah told 'em youall wuz jest good friends."
"I agree that the measure of success is not merchand.ise, but character. The man who builds a factory, builds a Temple. The man who works there, worships thgre, and to each is due, not scorn and blame, but reverence and praise."-Qalvin
She's an angel in truth, a demon in fiction: A woman's the greatest of all contradiction.
She's afraid of a cockroach, she'll scream at a mouse, But She'll tackle a husband as big as a house.
She'lli take him for better, she'll take him for worse, She'ltsplit his head open and then be his nurse. And wheq he is-well and can get out of bed, Stre'll pick up a teapot and throw at his head. She's faithful, deceitful, keen-sighted and blind; She's crafty, she's sirriple, she's cruel, she's kind; She'll lift a man up, she'll cast a man down; She'll make him her hero, she'll make him her clown. You fancy she's this, but you find.that she's that, She'll play like a kitten, she'll bite like a cat. In. the morning she will, in the evening she won't, And you're always bxpecting she does, but she don't.
-Kalends of the Kaver.
I don't know what I'd do without newspapersI cover everything in the attic with them.
I lie oq them when I tinker with my car.
I occasionally use them for wrapping paper.
I start fires with them in the furnace.
I put them on the chairs that I have to stand on.
I save the floors with them.
I have use for them a hundred times a day.
f keep them for the Salvation Army.
f advertise in them.
Thank God for the printed word !
-E. J. Keifer.
The Sherman Act
. If George says to John "How much did you get for your cow?" and John says "$100" and George goes home and hangs a sign on his cow's horn reading "For sale $100," no law has been violated. But if George and John sit down and agree that $100 is a fair price for cows the Federal Trade Commission or the Department of Justice or the Department for the Enforcement of Technicalities are liable to get them under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act,-Slices.
i,,,,y, Along the country roads there grove, ''t4 Willow trees and'Texaco, Mobiloils ahd marigold, And othei fruits of men and mould. Oh, how my town-tried heart desires To know the peace of Kclly tires, To hear the Robin in the grass Sing 'Socony' as I pass.

-Samuel Hoffenstein THE
The mustache of youth is the pioneer of the part-payment plan now so popular-a little down, and after that a little more every week.
We cater to the small yard-----
Moisture Content of Wooden Box Manufacturers Lumber in Old Building To Meet at Klamath Falls
The following interesting letter on the subject of the moisture content of lumber taken from a twentv-vear old house was recently received bv the California- White & Sugar Pine Association from Ii. W. Lakin, general manager of The McCloud River Lumber Company, McCloud, California:

"A few days ago I had our kiln men take some tests of some lumber coming out of a house we were rebuilding. This house was built over twenty years ago and this lumber came from the inside of it. The Sugar Pine showed a moisture content of 10.67 per cent; the White Fir'showed 11.45 per cent; the California White Pine L2.20 per cent.
"One would have thought that these woods .were as commercially dry as it was possible to have them, and still the moisture was above what our usual shipments are in factory lumber, although alittle lower than in common lumber."
A meeting of the Pacific Coast Group of the National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers will be held at the Willard Hotel, Klamath Falls, Oregon, on August 17th and 18th. Invitations to attend this meeting will be sent to all Wooden Box Manufacturers on the Pacific Coast. This will be a "round-table" meeting similar to the pre- vious meetings. A docket of proposed subjects for discussion will be mailed to Members within a short time. These are in part as follows:
Substitute Wooden Box competition.
Marketing problems.
Trade Promotion.
Customers' Requirements, How they can best be serviced.
Development of new uses for Wooden Boxes.
New and Improved Methods of Production.
Box Printing.
This Association extends an invitation to all Wooden Box manufacturers to attend this meeting.
H. M. SCHAUR VISITS SAN FRANCISCO department to_ the carg^o delartment of the Chas. R. Mc- H.
E. G. "Dave" Davis has been transferred from the rail
Schaur, manager of the Tracy Lumber Co., Tracy, Cormick Lumber Co., San Francisco. visited San Francisco july 3 on a buiiness trip.