2 minute read
W'riting Successful Courtesy Letters
AII the world loves courtesy.
'Whether it is man or wodrar, hard-boiled or soft trearted, tfiey are always pleased at some gesture of true courtery.
It ir an art that a wise rtrerchant can incorporate into his buiness and get eplendid reaults. And he cen do so particularly well with regad to therrtiting of thoughtful courtery letterc.
The best paying letters that a merrhant ever writes are those trhat are not compulsory, and not a fixd part of the business program.
Writi"g such letters attracts attention becauae other merchantc do not ure them, and the man who does creates for himself at once an outstanding place in the estimation of the other fellow.
In mort retail operations the manager is so bury that he has not time<r thinks he has no time, which arnounts to ttre sane t'ihing-for writing any more than the aboolutely ersential letters of onder, inquiry, acceptance, receipt, etc., and he does not go looking about for other letters to write.
But the nan who reelizes the opportunity that lies in tlrat direction, is invariably hWely pleased with the resulb he.gets.
Folks like to get rmsolicite4 courteous letters. It has been frequcntly demonstrated trhat a friendly and well wordcd little letter thantdng a mln for.paying an over-due bttl, fu good business. It may bting him back the next time when he can pay promptly, and it removes every rting that mighthave been aroured thnough your effortr to collect.
An old merchant suggeats sevcra,l oppor. tunities for writing the letter courteous. One of them is whcrr a new customer drops in, and you find that he cane because of the necornmendation of some old friend. WRITE THAT OLD FRIEND A NICE LITTLE TERSiE LETTER At{D THANK HIM. It will bring more customers, and much good wi[.
When an old customer drops out of sight for a time, write him a sweet little letter and tell him you have been missing him, and er(pre8s the hope that "it won't be long nowrtt as the slang phrase puts it.
Watch the papers and write little letters of con$atulEtion to friendc conccrning cvents of interest to thern, weddings, graduationr, birth&ys, social happenings, etc. DON'T put anything about buriness in them. Just show that you are thinking of him, and have taken the time to tell him so. It pays!
You will find many opportunitiec and evcnts that will give you the chance to write courtery letters. Put a smile, and a hand clasp into every one of them. Make them short, make them sound sincere.
Culnan, Los Angeles, Southern California sales manager for the Chas. R. I\IcCormick Lumber Co., has returned from Marinette, Wisconsin, where he was called owing to the serious illness of his mother. He reports that his mother is norv convalescing nicely. He was away from his desk about two weeks.