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Tfrerees a Crrstrrrner Satisfactirrn in R.rIDW(D(IDID
Ar:e You Tellingl
Yorrr: (Dustom(ers of theseRedurood Qualities?
Comparatir:ely lree lrom swelling and shrinking uith atmospheric changes. Is not resinoud,oes not burn easily.
Imrnune lrom d.ecay and rao. ages of white ant.
Red.uood lorms an id,eal base lor application of paint.
The rich colorings ol Red'u:ood tnake it the ideal usood' lor interior finish.
Vith its rernarkable d'urability, Redwood has no superior lor erterior use.
REDWOOD offers many sales features for the retail lumber dealer. Its adaptability for interior andexterior use, its durability and immunity from decay,makes this wood preferable for so many forms of construction. Your custdmerso if Redwood eustomers, will always be satisfied.
Hammondoso through direet souree of supply from Hammond mills, maintainlarge reserve stocks of Redwood in all grades and sizes. Your orders for this class of lumber will be filled quickly and you can always depend on the quality of grade and manufacture.